By MARKPOGI on 12:49 AM

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I’ll be going back to the Philippines at the end of this week(Sunday) and What really prevents me from logging in to my Friendster acc, chatting with my friends in Msn or Yahoo? Messenger and creating my vblogs in youtube is the Internet café in the Philippines. You might say, “ But mark, you have a laptop, why don’t you just use your laptop where wireless connection is available?”

That’s the problem. Wireless connections in Philippines aren’t free and are limited and are only available in well-known shopping centers. Which is a disadvantage to me because the nearby shopping center near my house isn’t well known.

Well, yes, that can be possible if you are residing in Singapore, because almost everywhere/anywhere in Singapore, wireless connection are available. And the good thing is, ITS FREE! AND come on everybody goes bonkers with FREE STUFF RIGHT ?… However, Philippines is not the type of country where everything is advance like Singapore. They’re still LOW-TECH. Well that is as far as I know though.

Ok so I may have elaborated on the irrelevant points, so what about the Internet café there?

It’s unbelievably dirty; rats can breed and live there, LITERALLY. It’s Super duper uber Hot. Well, since I’m obviously hot too(haha), that makes it extremely mega BURNING HOT! Hhahahas..ok ok lame me… but I’m telling you the truth. It’s really dirty there. Ok from what I experience. When I went inside the shop, I still could remember how my nails were sparkling clean- like perfect cuts diamonds. Then, as soon as I left the Internet café. I swear that all my nails turn BLACK in color! You know, how emo guys paint their nails black. Well mine was naturally colored using DIRT.(I know ! dirty right?) And I don’t know why and how it got there. it must be the keyboard I’m using in the internet café. And plus its super hot I’m sweating and scratching every parts of my body. And worst of all, the Internet connection is super super super slow!!!!!!!!

So let’s just hope that I’ll apply Cable DSL in my house ASAP. Hopefully no one would steal the wires hahahas…. well if you’re from Singapore, you might not understand what I just said. Hmmm.. ok there are few cases that Houses in the Philippines had their wires right above outside their house.. You know, hanging wires… unlike Singapore, all the wires are below ground. So sometimes. Weird and poor people cut those wires and use it for their own personal use… rude peeps huh.. totally!!!

Anyway, since I’ll be leaving soon and haven’t been blogging for a lot of months, I’ll take the liberty to right a lot of stuff here in my blog. Well these past few weeks, I have been extremely busy with hanging out with my friends, almost forgetting that I will be having my entrance exam in the Philippines soon

Oh yeah I’ve got to read more books now. If the language English is a part of my body, it’s dead, and I’ll have to amputate it. That is because my blood isn’t circulating there anymore. I hope you understand this analogy.

Sigh I’m really disappointed with myself; I can’t believe that I lost all the rhymes and rhythm for writing a funny and perfect post. I find my post dim, blur, monotonous and grammatically incorrect. I might be exaggerating, but that’s how I feel about how I write stuff. Which is, not exciting at all, not worth reading at all. I need to watch more movies to expand my vocabulary and improve my English. I just can’t find the right ingredients to make my blog PERFECT again. I seem to lack it, lost it or whatever. And I must find it/ obtain it ASAP.

Although, I don’t know what types of challenges I could encounter next year during my college/university years, all I could say is that I’m looking forward to it. To be exact, I’m very excited about it.

Originally I’m going to be taking my exams in De La Salle University in the 18th of November. However, since my flight changed, I have to take my exam on jan 18. which is really really TAGAL pa hhaas.

Its 16 of November now, and I have 2 more days to go before I leave. Mummy just told me a lot of stuff to be aware of like not carrying a lot of money in my wallet, not placing my bag at the back or it will have a higher percentage of that be snatch away, always go out with someone, never be alone in a lonely street, never look straight at passer-by face, and you know a lot of stuff. It can really be very irritating cause she told me A LOT of stuff, but its for my own good. Well you know the wise saying “ MOM KNOWS BEST”.

Ok guys; please pray for me that all my documents will go smoothly with the school that I will be applying. I hope that no complication will occur with my documents and that I will be admitted in the school with open arms.

Hmm, I never spent Christmas with my family last year. So I really hope that I could spend my Christmas with my family this year. After the entire entry exam and all the admission stuff.

Oh yeah , and those who are going to send me off, and those who greeted me goodbye, thanks a lot! I really appreciated it.

please continue to pray for me. for safety, for anything that you can think of.


By MARKPOGI on 2:52 PM

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I don't know when i will blog again after this post. Maybe,i'll blog when i'm ready to blog. get it? or or maybe,when there is something interesting going in my life.

This year, all i could say is that i feel very lazy and ignorant.fullstop.

i don't know what the purpose of my blog today.

but what i must do now is...

Pack my stuff. I'm moving

Read 50 books during the 4 months of FREEDAY (holiday)

and sleep. hey!! i can wish to be taller right!

paint my house.

decorate my room.

and visit people that i desperately missed .

and etc. good bye and as for now i'm DEAD

just once singing parody

By MARKPOGI on 2:17 PM

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TLWF children's camp video

By MARKPOGI on 2:08 PM

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imprumtu hosting vids.(pinoys only) tagalog eh hahas

By MARKPOGI on 1:45 PM

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By MARKPOGI on 2:39 AM

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I've Been very busy lately with my intensive studying, no time to blog, watch videos in youtube, check friendster, upload music in multiply for request, chat and etc.

I woke up around 10.45pm today. I'm back to staying up all night. Burning the midnight oil. And yes my head hurts. I’m also trying to finish the whole book of Proverbs in the bible.

I became lethargic after studying for a wee long time, so I started taking panoramic pictures on my phone, didn't knew they even had those effects till I played with the camera effects embedded in it. I love it! And guess what, taking pictures = miracle energy

Something strange happened today, too personal too describe. And the lack of detail = impossible to understand.

I’m going to get my new specs tomorrow. It’s vintage green. See how I add vintage with green. Cause I want to emphasize that it is not m&n Green or skittles green but Vintage (stylish) green. I’m not making sense here right?. What has got into me today? I must find out asap! I need to refresh my mind. I’m creating a whole new personality in me that I could not possible understand.

See how all these paragraph just don’t flow smoothly.

Sometime is going wrong. I need to find out what it is.
The paragraph doesn’t match. Every paragraph is written with different topics.

I’m beginning to be a strange lot.

Watched Donny Darko! Love that movie.

To sum it all up: I have problems and I need to know how to fix it.

Stab me behind. I promise I won’t scream.

3 coffee=fully paralyzed

By MARKPOGI on 4:32 PM

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I'm very very very very tired. I'm here in church office by the way. I was here since 12.00pm.
I've been trying to sleep since 3.00pm, just to have a lil nap, failed. I guess 3 cups of coffee could make you really high. My mind is wide-awake now, but my body is half paralyzed, in a moment now , it would be fully paralyzed and all i could do is blink or close my eyes. pathetic me. remind me never to take 3 cups of coffee ever again.

2 nescafe coffee 3 in 1, and macdonald Breakfast coffee with free refills.

The Forgotten

By MARKPOGI on 6:20 AM

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I watched this show around 4.55am and ended around 6am in the morning. All i could say that this thriller show is unbelievably captivating. I have some friends who watched this show and they told me that it wasn't worth my time. But to me, it was worth the watch. To some people, they may not know what the story is about, what is happening or it just made no sense at all or whatever.

I adore this show because as a viewer, while watching the show, My mind were overflowing with energy, fully captivated by the story, and made me create my own " why, when, how, what, where " types of questions during the Movie. My heart was pumping tediously, because i wanted to know ASAP what is going to happen at the end. This nerve wrecking, mind shattering show is a show where you have to "think out of the box".If you didn't, i don't think you will fully enjoy and understand the meaning of the show. This is the type of show that i love. i love thrillers.

speaking about forgetting. i'm running late. got to go change and go to school. 6.47am.

here's the 911,Com Crashed!

By MARKPOGI on 3:18 PM

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So my Laptop, named lappy (stop laughing), Ok tell me who don't name their laptop? i know you do right? wouldn't you?

back to the topic.....crashed 2 days ago, this wasn't the ordinary laptop crash where you simply click the restart button and wait for a few seconds till it load and voila its completely healed...no no no no no... my computer was crashed, Supercrashed by Hack geeks. this forced me to reformat my laptop. GRR..the horror.

I'm Just really happy that my pictures wasn't deleted from the hard drive. HowEVERRR (here's the bad part and i mean worst then the devil's number "666"), this means No ADOBE CS2. What you can't hear it? i SAIIIDD NOOOO ADOBE CS2(echo,echo,echo) !!!!! i can't live without it (I mean, really!). Its like separating me from my lovely adorable parent's or separating milk tea from milk. wait is that even possible? go figure. Worst of all, i can't find my ADOBE cs2 CD!!!!!!! Argg...

Talking about adobe photo shop, my friend " Johnathan " pronounce adobe ( ah-do-bei ) ,like this (ah - dob). i laughed hysterically.

Ok i got to go now, I have to search my Adobe cs2 cd. hopefully i would be able to find it by sunset.


By MARKPOGI on 5:15 AM

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I saw them again!

By MARKPOGI on 4:54 AM

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I had lunch with my fellow friends from Yishun Secondary School(above). I miss them a lot. The photo you see above isn't an actual photograph of that day. I just wanted to show you their faces and of course mine too . Yea how couldn't resist my cute Appeal. ( chuckled)

how i crave for mac!

By MARKPOGI on 4:37 AM

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Just looking back at my photos brings me back to the past. reminiscing about anything i could possibly recalled. How a simple Picture Could give you a smile.

This was a Sunday, i don't even know why Faye and i were together with Jom during that day. I could not recalled. But one thing i would never forget about that day was, they wasted my PRECIOUS fries by putting SHIT LOADS OF STUFFING ON IT And A lot of people were staring at us , probably saying why we were playing our food or why we were just too weird. We Dashed out of the macdonald ASAP because the Macdonald Manager was heading straight at us. Few seconds after i was out from macdonald, i remembered my drinks was left behind. I was never the type of person to throw an empty bottle of diet coke or whatever drinks. I would always have this mentality to drink it all up before throwing it. hahhas. ok i'm kinda out of topic anyway, to sum it all up, i enjoyed the food

his gonna puke! blexxx :P

MY model for today! bantay BATA! hahas

By MARKPOGI on 4:27 AM

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ok i got bored, so i was browsing through my picture folder and happened to get a glimpse of this 2 out of the norm pictures. i found it amusing and decided to post it online. this was 4 months ago .i think.

children's camp

By MARKPOGI on 10:09 AM

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The children's camp was a success! It is super ubber duper incredibly wonderful. It blows me away!

I didn't get to experience having a camp during the time i was still in Praise Kids ministry. But this was more then enough for me.

Despite their irritating high-pitch voices, childish behavior,how they wrestled me to wake me up, wants this and that attitude, and etc. I for once liked it.

But in the first play, why am i even there? I'm not even a kid. I'm way too old for a children's camp. well I'm their photographer.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

oh yeah faye's got a new haircut. It's Short.
and Mai mai added a new crush to her list "Rj (praise kids)"
I'm positively sure that after this week, she'll have a new crush in her list again. she always does.

I'm feeling sleepy and tired. and i need to take a quick 1 sec shower and rush to school. goodbye

Mark what did you bought?

By MARKPOGI on 9:16 AM

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well Blogger, i bought a POLARIZING FILTER for my EOS D-SLR! and you know what blogger. i got it for 32 dollars which should have been 37 dollars. i saved 5 dollars. i asked for a bargain. hehe. . .

Wrong is Right?

By MARKPOGI on 7:04 AM

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So I woke up this morning around 5.30am, which is unbelievably early to me. I wasn’t suppose to get up till quarter to eight and I even asked someone to be my “Human” alarm clock. Because early is like “ 1pm-ish “ to me.

My scalp is unbelievably itchy. And I’ve been scratching it for “20-lovely-mins”. Although I don’t have a lot of hair; buzz hair cut, it feels like there are a lot of termites or creepy crawlies with sharp and pointy feet crawling on my scalp. Accordingly to what human supposedly will do in this type of situation, I took a quick 30mins warm shower to get rid of the itch.

Ok, so I can’t get myself to sleep again, as I’m feeling fresh from the shower I just had earlier on. So now its 6.16am, and I’m insanely bored to death. Now I wonder if it was a good idea to delete my msn messenger, oh wait, how stupid of me to think of that. Not a soul would be even online during these wee hours. Or would they?

I’ll be relatively busy this week and the following week and the following week after next week. I feel like stabbing myself, as I’m unbelievably worn-out from all the intensive studying I’ve been doing. Exam next week. I feel so nervous. Very nervous to be precise. I hope someone would do a good deed by putting me to death by placing a pillow on top of my face and soon I’ll be out of breathe and die miserably yet happy. I promise I won’t struggle to escape, to make the job easier for you. Oh heck, what am I talking about? Pillows? Ugh? See guys, this is what stress do to you.

P.O.A is so confusing, I feel like I’m stuck and feeling lost in a burning desert struggling to find water and food. P.O.A and MARK just don’t connect. I did make it an effort to learn it though. But I just kept going back to basic. I hope my mom don’t read this.

So basically the big topic of the week is, “I deleted my msn messenger?” And you know what? I feel ecstatic about it. I could never imagine how something feels so wrong could actually be the right things to do.

So much for “TGIF”, I still have lots of studying to do. This is really frustrating. I got to go.

*TGIF= Thank God Is Friday

could Gozon study?

By MARKPOGI on 2:01 AM

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We had a group study at my house today, 4 of them were studying in my room and the other 2 were at the living room table.

Gozon is beside Rj and in front of iwoks and diagonally to me.
3 of us were studying, and as for Gozon hmmm. Well let me put it this way; he was reading a book, which he is not suppose to be reading since it is not one of his subjects. And he would just pop out a topic while of us were silently drowning ourselves in our books.


(very very very silent)

GOZON: HOI!!! alam mo to kanta ( hey!!!! do you know this song?) ( which he spoke with a loud volume)

3 of us were jolted with shock. Its way way funny when you are there and you could have seen our jolted expression painted on our face. You know the feeling when someone out of nowhere just jumps in front of you and shouted rubbish? That’s how we reacted.

worst of all,this is a repeated cycle . Once it goes quiet he’ll pop up another question again. “ can I just stab him in the back?”

Well it finally went peaceful and quiet when he decided to fry eggs for us, which I could not consume since I am allergic with eggs. Well at least we kept the room quiet for a really long time. Hilarious.

Anyhow, the other two were sort-of karaoke-ing instead of studying which they shouldn’t be doing.

My friends left around 8pm. My room seems to be like it has pass by a strong and deadly hurricane where everything would be in a mess. So I quickly vacuumed my room, fix all the mess they have created before my parent would actually see it.

Its 3.25am I’ve upload a lot of music in my http://markxbrian.multiply.com .

why would you view me?

By MARKPOGI on 3:26 PM

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If you have been reading my blog since day 1, you will realize that I often say, “ Thank you readers for …” or “ because I want you readers to learn from…”
Then I realize, why should I express my gratitude to the readers? Why do I have to be concern about who is reading my blog? Is it because they read my blog? But what’s the meaning of blog? Well a blog means a Journal or a diary, but is posted online instead of our personal notebook.
Well if you have a personal journal, don’t you hate people looking at it? Of course you hate it right? However, what is the difference between a blog and a journal although they are both classified as a daily dairy. One difference is, a blog is an online diary a journal is an offline diary. Right? You go sort it out?
I’ve been thinking too much about how the readers would react when they read my post, that I may exclude some details that happened to me which the viewer might find it rather boring. which then brings about creating some nerve wreaking stuff that might not even happen to me, then i might even post some help topics which aren't really suppose to be in a blog? right? if you want to find help topics you could go to a site where you can find help. my blog is my journal and its about my life. and i used it for the wrong purpose.
Then I had forgotten that a blog has also the same meaning as a journal. Well it is my blog, and I have the liberty to do everything I want with it. Well from now, it is your choice if you want to see my blog or not to see it. I would just pretend that this blog is my “personal” diary and viewers that are viewing it are merely just trespassers who are interest in what is happening or what is going on in my life or just being a nosy person.

rainy day

By MARKPOGI on 3:52 AM

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It’s been quite a while since I last wrote something down due to the fact that I’ve been burning midnight oil trying to cover up all the subjects to facilitate my weaker subjects. So since I have an ample of time left to write something down, I took an initiative to have my fingers to do some typing and hopefully whip up something worthwhile to read.

What would a typical Teenager do during a rainy day? Needless to say,
1. He/She would probably be enjoying their catnap during the cool rainy afternoon that would minus the expense of using the Air-con;
2. He/She would be lazing around on his/her bed while looking up facing the ceiling reminiscing the sullen or breathtaking experience he/she once had.
3. He/She would spend most of his/her time chatting on the net or etc.

That is what a normal typical Teenager would probably spend his/her time on during a rainy day. But you know what? The points that I had featured to you above, not a single one of it I am able to undertake. Why? Well I’ll tell you why? My parent’s told me to go to City Hall to pay for a particular fee. The awful part is, the office is closed, it is raining cats and dogs, my shoe and feet stinks more disgustingly then the liquid you may perhaps smell that accumulated below the garbage dump which is splashing its way inside my shoe while I walk and I wasted my time traveling there. Urgh! The horror! I can’t accept the fact that I wasted my time and my exertion of going there and the overall result would still be a zilch. So unpredictable.

A day ago, I was invited by my friend to revise with them at the library (I know that you don’t really have to be invited before you could actually step into a library) but I don’t really like to study alone if I were to study outside. However, I rejected their kind offer because I know I will be lazing around the whole day today. But since the situation has altered, I decided to meet up with them in the library more or less around the late afternoon.
To cut the long story short, I felt kind of annoyed with them because the attitude of studying wasn’t really present. Instead of burying ourselves learning something more significant like math or science, he chooses to read a Spanish language book, which I feel that is quite unethical at that particular time. And when they should be concentrating on whatever they are suppose to be learning, they choose to walk around the library here and there and everywhere. Which I feel that is a waste of a time. What’s the point of having a group study when your friends are there to distract you right? Well I was wise enough to keep myself away from distraction from whatever they were doing.

But anyway, I won’t really face any consequences from what they are doing, I have told them countless of times to concentrate, and they still choose to ignore my guidance. One day, they will learn their mistakes that they did. Sounds like I’m being harsh with them. So I lay my hands off them.

I walked back home with an icky, sticky, stinky and shitty feeling in my shoe. Gross. It’s like putting rotten veggies from the kitchen, which is soon to be eaten by wild rats combine with 1000 wet human mucus and rotten eggs in my shoe. Imagine that disgusting feeling.

a video blog !

By MARKPOGI on 11:16 PM

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because of you " ne yo "

By MARKPOGI on 1:01 AM

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so sick of love song

By MARKPOGI on 8:31 PM

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on my next blog.stereotypes

By MARKPOGI on 1:11 AM

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i'll be talking about people who are stereotypes.

definition of stereotypes

unn.com:In modern usage, a stereotype is a simplified mental picture of an individual or group of people who share certain characteristic (or stereotypical) qualities. The term is often used in a negative sense, and stereotypes are seen by many as undesirable beliefs which can be altered through education and/or familiarisation. Stereotypes are common in the world of drama, where they are often used as a form of dramatic shorthand.

ster·e·o·type (stěr'ē-ə-tīp', stîr'-) Pronunciation Key

  1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
  2. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.
  3. Printing A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type.

    tr.v. ster·e·o·typed, ster·e·o·typ·ing, ster·e·o·types
  4. To make a stereotype of.
  5. To characterize by a stereotype: "Elderly Americans are the neglected sector of the fashion industry, stereotyped by blue hair and polyester pantsuits" (American Demographics).
  6. To give a fixed, unvarying form to.
  7. To print from a stereotype.


By MARKPOGI on 1:02 AM

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i want to tell you guys that i just deleted my msn messenger a few mins ago.
cause i feel that this bring some kind of a distraction to me when i study.

however, when you need me. ask for my number by tagging me or emailing me alright?. Then i'll email it to you .then i'll sms you ok?

see you guys!and goodnight! and don't worry i try to post as much as possible per week in my multiply or my blogger,- which is this- so just keep on visiting my webpage alright?

new picture

By MARKPOGI on 12:38 AM

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i took this photo around 9pm at night...at yishun, beside a traffic light post. hahas

Time pressure

By MARKPOGI on 12:36 AM

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The time is getting nearer and nearer. However, why can't i persuade myself to push every ounce of strength that is left in me to run that very last lap? Will i ever find a "catalyst" that will help me to speed up the process if ever i was short of time? Why am i brooding over this? Perhaps, i've been feeling isolated from all the people around me for the pass few weeks which may have caused depression to come about, and may have possibly taken control over my decision in life.

But no, its not isolation that i'm facing now. I'm suffocating -not literally- from all those lies,deals that never happened or will not even happen and promises that are not being fufilled which i heard from all my close or even love ones.

When you are running that last lap, what do you actually need? Possibly,The sound of the cheering crowd shouting and blasting your name. This gives you the MOTIVATION.Which then encourage you to do your very best and not wanting to dissapoint all those who support you. Well during my last lap, I never received any motivation from anyone. Motivation is very important and vital to an individual need. What i received was "forced".

Personally,As for me, when i'm being forced to do something, Ironically, i would do the reversed way. So force will never be Beneficial to me.

There are also other factors. but i guess to me, what i wrote above, is the most Vital for me. Which will effect me more then those factors that i didn't mention here.

.....to be continue(or might not)

are you emo?

By MARKPOGI on 12:34 AM

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"E [for emo] is a scarlet letter across a guitar strap - a mark of shame or reason to beg off and plead ignorance."

Being emo kid is kinda like being in the KGB - everyone know who they are, but no one admits anything. . . " emo, short form of " emotional hardcore," used to refer to a genre of music but nowadays, the term has become an insult and is apparently quite dangerous. According to a news report by the Straits Times, citizens are concerned with "their youth's 'Very dangerous' emo behaviors" Apparently what used to be considered a fad has " turned deadly." One US cop describes the emos as "the kids that don black hair covering one eye to see the world in a half view." They earn their emo stripes by gaining points on the emo scale; status on this scale is delivered by "the more cuts, the more pills, and the more they talk about suicide." But what defines the quintessential emo? Is being emo such a bad thing? Stereotypically emo kids are wispy, oversensitive teenagers who cry a lot and cut themselves. Here's the short list of what you need to demonstrate your inner emo. Your mantra should be. "Nobody understands me" (repeat if needed). It should become ingrained in your mind. Remember angst is a way of life. "Emotions are the key to being emo. Act like your kitten just dies, and you don't have a damn friend in the whole wide world. When people ask you how you feel, you should reply with the following adjectives; morose, empty, bitter, lost, aloof, distant, sad, heartbroken." owning a guitar may help you express yourself in a way that nobody will understand. Strumming ballads that include stories of childhood letdowns and dying puppies are vital. " Project an air of coolness with your whiny depressive attitude and those preppy clothes that you bought from the thrift store,[ and you will be] well on your way to becoming an emo. " Clothing is fairly important in this way of life, wearing undersized clothing is imperative; a nostalgic cartoon character here and there never did the world any harm. " make sure that you are underweight enough so that you will be able to fit into a child's t-shirt. Show your inner despair by looking like you are too sad to eat. Obesity and emos do NOT mix. Black rimmed glasses are good for the 'Geek chick' LOOK." Forget name brands; stop buying Nike, they support sweatshops anyways. Lastly Converse (ironically owned by Nike) shoes are at the height of emo style. Stereotypes aside, emo is not about looking a certain way or even being sad, Andy Greenwald , in his book entitled nothing Feels Good; Punk rock, Teenagers and Emo, defies emo as "...Seeking a tangible connection out of intangible things. Its the painting that you stare at because it makes your calm; it's the book you read and re-read every year because it reminds you of childhood. " so long as there are feelings, feelings that people believe nobody else will understand, there will be emo; it's not such a horrible thing after all. isit?

katrina saisd:arr. i hate emos. hahah. lol. i didnt read the whole thing but i think nowadays emo really does become a fad. and i hate it. its not fashion that goes in and out of style. people esp teenagers think emo is cool. cmon get real. most people who call themselves "emo's" are actually posers. hahah.

btw i think that statemnt of the police was funny. :))

i said:Me too, but its kinda true too right? the real "emos" not the "poser" one of course, they do see the world in half view right? or do they?

katrina said:i gues. yea, i had a clasmate bak in high school, i think he and she are the real emos. theyre a couple. they think that the world is all too sad. and i dunow, such things only the real emo people would understand i gues.

I got my own EOS

By MARKPOGI on 12:33 AM

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well i finally receive my own CANON rebel XT aka 350D in asia with a 18-55mm kit lens. WOW!!! how could i not possibly be any more happier with that type of camera i got. that's the BOMB!!!

I just want to show my appreciation to my mom and dad for giving me such a wonderful ADVANCE birthday present. And for also supporting me in my new enthusiast.

okay, first of all... i love the correctly saturated colour when i take a photo from the 350D. secondly, The noise level from ISO 1600 is Unbelievably low which is good for taking night shots or fast shots without destroying the quality of the picture. There are also other factors that i love about the 350D, but i won't be saying all of it for now. Too lazy i guess hahas...

I'm planning to save some cash( hopefully) till christmas to buy a telephoto zoom lens or perhaps a speedlight for my camera. And gosh this stuff don't come cheap. At first, Being a novice, i thought the base was much more expencive then the lens however i assumed wrongly. if you look it at an angle, you will realize that the lens is far much more expencive then the base..gosh! and i still need macro lens, zoom lens, wide-angle lens.....

well i've been practicing my shooting skills practically everyday. But till now, i still have not taken any photo that have shaken me. But i will one day. Fret not.

For now, i've been taking a lot of candid pictures of people, events or "just-for-fun". which you all could find in my album in my multiply. Http://markxbrian.multiply.com

write about a time when the truth hurts and how you overcame it? (narrarive)

By MARKPOGI on 12:33 AM

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A couple of years ago, I was on my honeymoon trip in Malibu Island with my beautiful wife Christine. Everything was going really well for me.

But when I returned home from San Diego California, my home, my Mom broke a tragic news to me about what had happened to my dad while I was on my honeymoon trip. She told me that my father committed suicide a few days ago when his company get out of hand, Riches Corporation, it went bankrupt while I was on my honeymoon trip. Suddenly, for a second, I just felt the world stop revolving and felt under the weather. I couldn’t handle the news that my family had become poor. I would now have to support my mom and my siblings while supporting my own family too. I could not imagine how I could survive or overcome as I was fed with a silver spoon since young.

We were asked to move out from our beautiful Mansion. And are left with relatively no choice but to live in an extremely small flat which could only accommodate three people in it -although we are a family of five- with unbelievably corrupted environment. We were out from the luxurious life we once had. We become so poor that we could not even purchase a sack or rice from the cheapest market in town. I sometime feel that I should resort to suicide to end this bitter tragedy that I am now facing. My mother cried hysterically day and night, as she doesn’t know what to do with this type of situation. As a matter of fact, all of us do not know what to do too. My wife had been very patience with me and been supporting me in anyway she could.

I thought of many ways of how and where I could get money. I decided to search for a job. After a week, I got a job as a computer engineer in one of my dad’s friend company who offered to help me. I worked extremely hard, pouring every ounce of strength into my work. I even had to find for another job, as it was not enough to pay for my sibling’s school fees.

During this hardship periods, everyone in my family had been very cooperative. I swore to them that they would be out of the “down and out” stage.

One day, because of my great performance in my work, a billion dollar company told me that they would want me to work for their company. Without hesitation, I agreed. I’ve worked for approximately 2 years in that company. Step by step, my family standard started to improved. Everything was getting far much better then it used to be.

I overcome the life of being poor person.

And now, things will even get much better once I start working even harder. I soon believe in this quote that my Father once shared with me when I was young. “ You reap what you sow”.

it wasn't that bad

By MARKPOGI on 12:32 AM

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While waiting patiently for my turn (oral exam), My legs were practically shaking a lot inside the waiting-room. Waiting for aproxx 40 mins for my turn, in my mind, i kept giving myself random questions which consist of different types of genres, just to keep myself mentally ready for the question that i will be receiving later on.
However, those questions that i run through in my mind, didn't manage to help me at all.hahhas. Due to the fact that my questions were relatively far from the questions that the teacher had given me.

The question was " tell me about your childhood memories " .

I gave a confident smile, though i didn't manage to ask myself that question before, however, i find this question really simple. ( thanks to the korean and Filipino drama that i watched, which gave me an idea to a really dramatic while logical way of describing my childhood memories ).

Ok here it goes,The childhood memories that I could possibly recalled are the one that affected me deeply. If I may recall, since it was a long time ago, I hope that I could describe it as clearly as possible. It was the time that My mom would praise me and would even conduct a small party for me, although we weren’t financially stabled back then, whenever I would receive a medal or if I ever got top in my class, when I was in my primary school years. Thinking that my mom would work so hard just to earn extra money for the extra expenses that would be spent on me, had affected me greatly. And not only does she work during the morning shift, but also (high pitch voice) the afternoon as well. And she doesn’t just do ordinary jobs like people used to have now a day, she works in a garment factory (lying ha-ha). Which I find it really tiring and plus boring to do( from a episode of maalalala mo kaya). And the time when my friend and i will swim or fish by the riverside near our school and would spend mostly our entire afternoon enjoying ourself. However, there are also some bad memories that I had and experienced when I was young. Due to the fact that my family wasn’t really financially stabilized back then, we were sometimes forced by the landlord to move out of our relatively small, uncomfortable and dirty house ASAP because we couldn’t afford to pay up a months rent or the accumulated rents for several months.(I looked down-feeling emo) And because of this situation that we are having back then, we kept moving in and out from different locations in the Philippines. On rare occasion, they would just barge in the house, when we’re not there, and take our belongings from the house and would just leave it outside of our house in a scattered manner, some even broken or stolen (Ysabella- TFC show- one of the episode in that show, whereby the contrabida (bad person) arranged a group of guys to barge in their house and throw their belongings outside). And my parents would often cry, especially my mom, when they knew that there is nothing that they could possibly do to reverse the situation (teacher look kind of sad). But thankfully, due to my parent’s great commitment and never-say-die attitude in their small business, we thrived and blossomed majestically and now filthy rich that we now could afford to come over to Singapore to expand the business.

the teacher told me, " and this happened where? in Singapore"
i replied ," oh no, all of this happened in Philippines"
teacher, " oh that's a really tragic event"
I replied, " yes it is, isn't it? its a really tragic and unforgetable event "
Teacher " but i glad things has changed for you and your family" , " okay thanks , you may go now"

P.S: whatever i just told the i-don't-know-her-name teacher, is fiction hahas.

Reading the passage part wasn't that scary at all, preety normal, i was all ready for it. Same goes with the picture description, however i may find it unusual why i told them this" in my opinion i believe that the person at my extreme right (which is a baby) is thinking about --since the teacher asked me what that person was thinking about-- ...thinking about when will he able to talk" AND i was like.? OMG TALK??? where the heck did that idea came from. I hope this is logical with the teachers point of view. Which i could aprox range it a 0.5/100 % chance of getting it hahas.

BUT,nevertheless, most of all, i thank the Lord for giving me such a creative mind, which i had asked for yesterday, and giving me the strength to voice out confidently to the invigilators. I would never be able to do this without his help.

OK. So after my exam i went straight to ate paula's condo for a small gathering and later party that the youth had prepared.

i'm not gonna say anything that happened there. cause you guys can view it in my photo album hahas.

but one thing that i could never forget is, someone threw up -big time- just by (forcefully) tasting a piece of durian hahaas..i bet it was an unforgetable experience for him.

and i was like, erm i want more durian. hahhaas..well its 3.36am and i got to head off to bed..night night people... comment okay..PUHLEASE!

best friend forever? becomes besfriend temporary?

By MARKPOGI on 12:30 AM

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you know when you actually thought the so-called " best friend forever or aka BFF" rank been given to you by a friend or someone who is close to you. You would probably be the happiest person in the whole world, but actually i find it pathetic. dumb and a lie. YES you would be happy IF you are in the same country with him/her, what if you migrated to another country? or moved to a far away place for overseas study? does the BFF stays forever? or isit just a lie?

i say its rubbish. however, sometimes it might just work." 1/10 chances of getting that type of friend though"...

but for people who love saying your my best friend forever..quit yapping that word...yes it makes you feel good for a temporary period.but long term NO NO NO!... so just say..best friend temporary.. rather then best friend forever...hopefully i make sense there...hahahs..
well got to go

sheenah said:why such a negative opinion? haha, something bad happen ei?

katrina said: wel i dun think that migrating to another country puts an end to the "best friends forever" relationship. you might be a little too hard on this saying its pathetic but its your opinion anyway and we all have different views on things. and whats the point of having a friend when you'll have him as your friend for a "temporary" period of time better not have a friend at all right? hahah.

I said:yes i respect your views in a degree, however, i myself have friends who are "overseas or has migrated" and we are still best friends.However, I'm really disappointed with a few of my "BESTFRIENDS" which has migrated - they practically don't reply to any of my emails or maybe any form of communication. Perhaps saying pathetic is relatively inappropriate, but you know, things changes around us all the time.Although we might not realize it or accept the fact. But what i strongly agree from you is "better not having a friend at all". This really points out something that i didn't thought of while typing that post of mine, because,practically, it is still better to have friends then not having at all. But isn't it sad when you got so close to someone and then suddenly you realized that you had to leave to another country,YES for a few weeks you will or might have a constant communication with her/him-because we miss that person so much.But what will happen after a month or so?what if the "i-miss-you" factor faded away or dissolved away from that person thought?what if the time difference of that person country has a huge difference, and we could not possibly meet up in msn or yahoo? What if that person needs a helping hand, and all that you could possibly do is point out your views to that particular friend of yours .Although we know that your/my friend would possibly understands us for not being there, but we still wants to give the best to our fellow friends right? but we could not possibly come all the way there just to help that person,right(due to expencive flight ticket)? And I'm positively sure all of us knows about this saying " action speaks louder than words". ....which will sum up that after a while, we would be so-called partially forgotten or completely forgotten.after awhile, he or she will start looking for a new bestfriend to seek comfort.

BUT actually, it is a case-by-case basis. so it might defers. this is what i'm just sharing with my experience

KAtrina said:points taken. heheh. i agree on that, its hard to keep up with the "communicating." but you can always leave a msg ryt, heheh. and, surely that friend will appreciate it though at times the friend may not reply due to very busy schedules whatev, you know that whatever you do to keep this "BFF" relationship is not taken for granted and that friend will surely see our efforts.

actions speak louder than words, hm, yea.but isnt it that the effort you exert in taking time to "talk" to her/him can be considered your actions, as you know it is rather difficult to show it personally (as you have mentioned tickets are way too expensive). well i dunow., i guess im a bit too complacent about the relationship i have with my best friends back there. so i still stand by the "bff forever" relationship. hahah.

right, case to case basis. i agree. :))


By MARKPOGI on 12:29 AM

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After being with my favorite camera all the time and everywhere I go for 24/7, I just suddenly lost the "crave" for it. Not that I hate it in someway or anything, the camera is really great, it’s just that I got too tired to bring a bulky camera around me all the time. However, I would still bring it sometimes with me if the weather is great not too sunny not to dark. Every so often, I might be TOO over protective with my DSLR. Just a few speckle of dust on my lens I’ll become the angriest bull who would crash anything that is in front of me. I’ll keep on cleaning and cleaning the lens till it is DUSTFREE. Although I know that is relatively impossible.

I have already started on my INTENSIVE studying for my Entrance exam and my GCE exam. However, every so often, I easily get distracted at the things around me while I am studying. But you know, I really could not control myself. Although I have told this to myself many times mentally, “ MIND OVER MATTER “. I still could not manage to do it. Hopefully, one day, I will learn and master the art of concentration so I could concentrate 100% in whatever I am doing even if I am in the middle of the busiest and noisiest Place in the world. It may sounds like it is practically impossible to imagine. But nothing is impossible right?

I’m now sitting at the void deck near my house, while suffering from the unbelievably harsh sunny weather. After thinking for a while, I realize that people in Singapore, including myself-of course-, are complacent. We kept thinking about ourselves, and how to satisfy ourselves/needs and could never spare a thought for others. We kept complaining about anything/everything that we could possibly find within the reach of our eyes. But you know, this things which we so-called “ nuisance / annoyance / irritation / negativity “ in our surroundings could not be comparable to the other countries that are suffering extremely more then us. For example, when you are eating, suddenly you just don’t feel like eating anymore, although you still have a quantity of food left on your plate and you just dump it all in your rubbish bin without even thinking twice. You know, people in Africa are suffering from famine. They will do anything, and I really mean anything to get FOOD! You could even see young children picking up rice from a filthy floor so they could live for another day without hunger. Another example would be when you kept complaining about the dreadful weather we have here ( like I did just now ), although to us dreadful means “hot weather and rainy weather”. But in other country like India, Philippines, Asia and few southeastern countries are suffering from super duper hot weather (that could not be comparable to our weather), typhoon, hurricane and floods. You ought to be grateful in where ever you are now. This is because you are not suffering the life that they are having now.

Sometimes, Do you believe that something will only last for a short while, or perhaps some things are just meant to last for a little while? – Like the fireflies, lending their passing, flickering beauty to paint the canvas of the night. Not realizing that the brief glimmer of these fireflies was no less beautiful then the steady candle flame I so craved, that perfection can be momentary rather then eternal.

do you support euthanasia?

By MARKPOGI on 12:27 AM

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Definition: Euthanasia is a mercy type of killing, act of putting death painlessly or allowing to die as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition.

Why should we support Euthanasia? Well, let’s put it this way; imagine that you are a very sick and frail person lying down on a hospital bed incapable to move. And when you have to do your “business”, a nurse would actually be helping you to wipe your filthy ass. Naturally, you will be embarrassed with yourself because you are incapable of wiping your own butt. In fact, you are incapable to move. You are like a LIVING VEGETABLE, soon to disintegrate there alone for a really long time, by yourself, having the worst taste of hell although you are still in earth and soon you’re gone. And dying is the only way out before entering this unbelievably indescribable experience. So should we or should we not support Euthanasia?

Some Countries, due to religious and culture beliefs, they could not accept Euthanasia. For example, Christianity teaches us that by committing suicide, we are throwing our soul into the devil's claws. And most religions of the world are against murder. No matter how humanely it may be done, it remains murder.

But shouldn’t we have the right to make our End-Of-Life decision?

Once again we are dealing with a self-perpetuating problem: a tautology. Why is the sky blue? Because it reflects the sea. Why is the sea blue? Because it reflects the sky.

case-by-case basis

Krizia said:No i do not support euthanasia.hhahaha.

KAtrina said:do you? well i personally think its SICK.
why should you have the "end-life-decision" when that life is really not yours and merely borrowed?

the life we have now is basically given to us by the Supreme ruler up there(this one dpends on ur religion, belief also) but as a Christian, Catholic, i have my view on this.

that example youve stated is only a matter of eating up your pride. what if (just an example) lets say ur maried, and ur wife is in that situation, would you want her to end her life or would you, rather help her deal with her grave illness? of course you love her and want to be with her till the last breath, the natural way of dying is way off better than ending it yourself/herself for this matter.

it is not only "by the Book" ("Thou shall not kill.") that matters here but also your care and love for the person. ok, lets say youre not in any way related to someone who has this grave illness, lets say youre a doctor, because, though its really ironic, doctors are the ones who do these. doctors are supposed to SAVE lives not END them.

its not about thinking how pathetic you are but its all about how you deal with it, if you see it in a very negative way, then you might think euthanasia is better off but if you see that illness as God's obstacle for you to grow stronger, then battling this illness till the last is God's last mission for you.


GOD GAVE US A purpose to live. but not to end it!
i totally agree on that.

you know, you could actually be a good debater hahahas! ..

anyway back to the point.

and i totally agree, if i have a wife( for example ) and who is suffering from any disease that had cause her to become a "vegetable". I would personally rather be with her till Her very last breath.And what if we had kids? I'm sure my kids would motivate encourage my wife, their mother to live much longer.

But i know looking at her suffering is unbelievably painful to my heart although i know she could be suffering more then me.

But that is another problem that love will conquer. like what Piolo Pascual's movie said, " there is no pain that love cannot heal " which i totally agree on.

I guess you gave such Strong points here.. You win the round hahas

sheena said:yea, i totally agree with her. i dont support it. Doctors are suppose to SAVE lives not END them. as a christian, i believe that God will end ure lives when it's time , so if he doesnt then he probably has a plan . he has his reasons for what he's doing.

something that is happening now in my life

By MARKPOGI on 12:15 AM

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I’m sorry.

I'm sorry I ever bothered you by being your friend,

I'm sorry I made it seem like our friendship would last till the end.

I'm sorry for all those jerkish things I said,

And making it sound like I'd never talk to you again.

I'm sorry I told you my deepest hidden secrets,

When there were more to descend.

I'm sorry I ever bothered you with all of my lame problems,

When I was being selfish again.

But I'm sorry for being your friend.

So I won't bother you ever again.


By MARKPOGI on 1:53 PM

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para sa mga pinoy toh( for the pinoys)

By MARKPOGI on 4:03 PM

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GGGrabe!!!!!, na papansin nyo ba na ang dami umaalis na mga tao galing sa youth ablaze nang sinbahan natin(tlwf). sobra noh... well wala naman tayo magagawa dun..pero dumadami din naman eh.. kasi dumagdag sila luigi, yun inchik na kalimutan ko na pangalan nya eh..haha.. chaka si ,er sino nga yun...hmm..teka lang..iniisip ko muna. AH! alam ko nah, si iwo-jihme aka iwoks meron pa madami na kalimuntan ko lang mga pangalan nila. hehe..sorry hah..

hahaha malapit na si faye uuwi....shocks naka ikot ikot na sha sa pinas ...kaka ingit... gusto ko din yun!!!!!! pag dating nya , tingnan nyo sha.. isip ko, hindi sha magiging sobrang ingay, kasi ma mimiss nya yun mga cousins nya chaka mga friends nya hahaas... chaka sympre miss nya pinas hahas...

haiz naku, na bobored nanamana ako sa bahay ko. sobrang tahimik, mama ko tulog, papa ko na sa trabaho, ate ko na sa trabaho. ang tahimk talagah nang bahay ko. hindi ko kaya. sana ang dito yun mga cousin ko. nun andito sila, ang ingay ingay namin sa bahay... hindi nga ma tahimik yun bahay eh.. tapos nayun..wala na..kasi umuwi na sila nang Philippines 2 weeks ago..miss ko na sila sobra sobra.. wala pa ako connection sa kanila, hindi ko alam kung ano nag yayari sakanila.. kaya lagi nga ako nag dadasal para ma protectahan sila ne hesus parati... gosh tama ba ang mga tagalog ko? first time ko lang mag post na tagalog eh. hahas..sana ma intindihan nyo yun mga sinasabi ko..kung hindi, bahala na kayo sa buhay nyo hahaas.. JOKE lang! wag ka naman iyak ..

kanina nag watch ako nang TFC,ang boring na mga palabas, mas gusto ko pa yun GMA, kaya dun ako sa youtube nag nunuood na mga GMA na shoes eh... hahas ..yun favourite ko dun is.. BAKEKANG HAHAHASH! chaka the bubble gang.. HAHAS! nakakatawa talagah sila...hahas... pero dito sa singapore meron TFC lang..ARGH ang daya nila... hahas.. na bobored na ako sa WoWoWEE nakakasawa.. lagi ko na na ririnig yun..." ah doo doo doo, ah da da da, ah hah hah"... or" boom tarat tarat, boom tarat tarat, tararat tararat boom boom boom" or " beep peep beep ang sabi nang jeep beep beep beep beep beep, dubi dubi dap dap dubi dubi aoshdasnbdkahsdkas" basta mga weird language yun hahas.. well yun palabas na wowowee, masaya ako dahil nag tutulog sila sa mga tao sa pinas yung mga walang pare or wala wala kaya..yun lang..but sa entertainment point of view.. na bobored na ako sa kanila.. nakakasawa eh..

miss ko na yun jumbo hotdog( hindi yun kanta hah) ...chaka yun mga fishball. sa pinas..ang sarap talagah nang lasa nun.. yun bumalik ako sa pinas... ang dami ko kinain yun..sobrang tumaba ako! hahas! ! ! hindi na din ako nakakakaiin sa jolibee, kasi meron ako allergy sa chicken eh.. kawawa naman ako, hahas... dibali na meron pa naman beef chaka pork chaka fish hahas... ayus na yun para sakin.. hahas..

hahas, alam nyo bah nag papaputi ako nang katawan nayun hahaas... ginagamit ko ang likas papaya HAHAHAS! ...kasi gusto ko if bumalik ako sa pinas,.. sobrang gwapo ako hahas..chaka kutis ko dapat perfecto hahaas!!!! feeling sausy noh! hahahas!.. haiz...

sige na nga dito na ako.. baka mag chissmiss pa ako dito.. hahaas! sige alis na ako hah!
bye bye...

''I've done __ out of 144 stupid things"

By MARKPOGI on 3:46 PM

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Level 1
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) done weed
(x) drank alcohol

Level 2
(x) been in love
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight

Level 3
(x) snuck out of the house
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
(x) gone out on a blind date

Level 5
(x) had a crush on an older person
(x) skipped school
( ) slept (not sex) with a co-worker
(x) seen someone/something die

Level 5
(x) had/have a crush or liked on one of your friends.
( ) been to Paris
( ) been to Spain
(x) been on a plane
( ) thrown up from drinking
SO FAR: 11

Level 6
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
(x) met someone BECAUSE of myspace
( ) been mosh pitting
SO FAR: 13

Level 7
( ) been in an abusive relationship (emotionally abusive)
(x) taken pain killers
(x) love/loved someone who you can’t have
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
( ) made a snow angel
SO FAR: 16

Level 8
( ) had a tea party
(x) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress ups
SO FAR: 20

Level 9
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledging
(x) cheated while playing a game

(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
SO FAR: 24

Level 10
(x) used a fake/someone else's ID -yeah for CLE class. hahaha! thanks den!
(x) watched the sun set - man, even the sunrise!
(x) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake
SO FAR: 27

Level 11
(x) been tickled
(x) been robbed/vandalized
( ) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a deer
SO FAR: 30

Level 12
(x) won a contest
( ) been suspended from school
( ) had detention
( ) been in a car/motorcycle/4-wheeler accident
SO FAR: 31

Level 13
( ) had/have braces
( ) eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one night - well.. almost?
(x) had deja vu
(x) danced in the moonlight -hahaha
SO FAR: 33

Level 14
(x) hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
(x) pole danced argh i was being forced by some people...
(x) questioned your heart
( ) been obsessed with post-it notes
SO FAR: 37

Level 15
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
( ) been to the opposite side of the world .( is that even possible?)
(x)swam in the ocean
(x) felt like you were dying -
SO FAR: 41

Level 16
(x) cried yourself to sleep -
(x) played cops and robbers
(x)recently colored w/crayons/colored pencils/markers
(x) sang karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins - hahaha! several times. caf and mcdo with busmates!
SO FAR: 46

Level 17
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) kissed in the rain
SO FAR: 49

Level 18
( ) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe
( ) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about
(x) blown bubbles
(x) made a bonfire on the beach -
SO FAR: 51

Level 19
(x) crashed a party
( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
(x) gone rollerskating/blading
(x) had a wish come true
SO FAR: 54

Level 20
( ) worn pearls
(x) jumped off a bridge
(x) screamed "you suck" in class [not that mean.. but i did whispered. lol.]
( ) swam with dolphins
SO FAR: 56

Level 22
(x) got your tongue stuck to a freezer/ice cube
( ) kissed a fish
(x) worn the opposite sex’s clothes
(x) sat on a roof top
SO FAR: 59

Level 23
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
(x) done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel
(x) talked on the phone for more than 5 hours -
(x) stayed up all night
SO FAR: 63

Level 24
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) climbed a tree
(x) had/been in a tree house
( ) are scared to watch scary movies alone
SO FAR: 65

Level 25
(x) believe in ghosts [uhhh. only after watchin scary movies. haha.]
(x) have/had more than 30 pairs of shoes throughout your life
( ) gone streaking
(x) gone to jail [fairbooth. lol! hahaha]
SO FAR: 68

Level 26
(x) played chicken
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
(x) been easily amused
SO FAR: 72

Level 27
(x) caught a fish then ate it
( ) almost drowned in a pool
(x) caught a butterfly
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed
SO FAR: 76

Level 28
( ) mooned/flashed someone -
( ) had someone moon/flash you -
(x) cheated on a test [not a real test ha? basta quiz thingie whatever bla bla.]
(x) forgotten someone's name - most of the time. LOL.
( ) slept naked -
( ) French braided someone’s hair
( ) gone skinny dipping in a pool
(x) been kicked out of your house

SO FAR: 79

Level 30
(x) rode on a roller coaster
(x) went scuba-diving/snorkeling
(x) had a cavity
(x) Black-mailed someone
(x) been black mailed
SO FAR: 84

Level 31
(x) been used-
(x) fell going up the stairs
( ) licked a cat
(x) bitten someone
( ) licked someone


Repost this with:

''I've done 87 out of 144 stupid things"

90 question

By MARKPOGI on 2:49 AM

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90.First off, what is your name?
- Mark Brian Lanzado Orallo

89.What did you do last night?
- hmmm... i think i stayed at home.(hey it was a monday night ok!)

87.Do you have any siblings?
- 1

86.Where are you exactly?
- in my room

85.Favorite color?
- Blue, Black and hot pink

84.What is the 7th message in your
- kiss me baby from... hahas i'm kidding i lost my phone...

83.Who sits infront of you in math?
- oh we don't have a particular sitting arrangement. we just sit anywhere we like.

82.Who sits to the left?
- i just told you, not SITTING ARRANGEMENT!

81.Where is your dad right now?
- sleeping in his room...

80. Do you have any kids?
- WHUT DE?!!! i'm 16 you know!! of course NO! but will one day hehehe...

79.Who is the 5th person you had
- hahaha.

78.Closest black object?
- keyboard.

77.Closest silver object?
- laptop

76.Have you ever jumped a fence for
any reason?
- yeah. at gen's condo. we were too lazy to go one big round. so we just jump over their condo fence

75.Do you sing in the shower?
- yeah. most of the time.

74.Do you own any pets?
- YESH! and it just died 2 days ago. my hamster died...

73.How does your hair look right now?
- hmmm...i think it loooks wonderful.. hahas

72.Last time you listened to country
- NOPE! not my type

70.If you could kill someone, who
would it be?
- i wouldn't kill anyone ..really!

68. What do you hear right now?
- akon: don't matter

67. How many drugs are in your system
right now?
- what the heck.. i have no idea

65. What are you wearing?
- undies , shorts ,plain t-shirt.. i'm going to sleep duh

64. Who was the last person to comment
- hmm adel..liana's friend?

63.Madonna or Janet Jackson?
- neither.

62.Screamo or Country?
- neither

61.Rock or Rap?
- Rock and rap

60.Chocolate or vanilla?
- vanilla.

59.Who did you last call?
- my dad. i asked him to buy me donuts hahas

58.Who last called you?
- a person who was looking for my sis. UGH~!

57.What jewelry do you wear daily?
- none...

56.What are you doing now?
- IM,MSN,Friendster and multiply and blog

55.Who was the last person you said I
love you to?
- erm. secret?

54.Would you die for someone?
-yesh my close family members and my cousins

53.If so, who?
- i just told you! my family members and my cousins

52.Are you cold right now?
- yesh.. the air-con is set to 16 deg Celsius

51. What are you thinking about?
- about the question that i'm suppose to answer?

50.Do you have to pee right now?
- hmm.. not really.

49.What did you dream about last
- erm... i dream ...nothing actually.. or i can't remember.

48.What are you doing tomorrow?
- how the heck i know?

44.Bedsheet color?
- blue

42.Carpet or wood in your room?
- wood, parquet

41.Bad rumor about yourself that
you've heard?
- hmmm....i'm not gonna say it out

40.Do you have makeup on right now?
- yesh like lip gloss and eye shadow , and other stuff... (X_X)..
dude i'm a guy! why do i need make up!!!!hahhas..weird

38.Can you do a cartwheel?
- hahahas..sympre naman(of course) ..yun lang eh..(that's all?)

37.What is your favorite candle scent?
- Lavender

36. Ever gone a whole day without
-YESH! when i was really broke

35.America or Canada?
- philippines.?

34.What makes you mad?
- depends on my mood.

33. What if you found out you were
- hmm.dad mom how could u not tell me about this all along. why did you keep this important thing away from me. how could you!!! .... well is my real parent rich? they are? OH MY GOOD! ok bye mom bye dad..where are they staying?

hahas i'm kidding.

hahas well hmm.. seriously i don't know..

32.Jeans or Sweatpants?
- jeans.

29.Do you have socks on?
- nope. well if i have shoes i do..

28.Do you own any big sunglasses?
- yup.

27.Have you ever cried so hard you
- er..is that possible?

22.Person who posted this before you?
- someone.

19.Favorite TV show?
- a lot! please don't make me describe it here

18.Do you like 80s movies?
- hmm.. not really.

16.Last two numbers in your cell phone
- lost my fone

15.What kinda music do you like?
- it depends.

14.Are you a crazy stalker?
- nope, cause they stalk me.

13.Best city you've visited?
- prolly, singapore cbd zone. and philippines .somewhere ..hahas i don't know exactly where in phil

12.Been to London?
- well not really...

10. Favorite subject at school?
- free periods..is that considered subject? hahas..well seriously no fav subs

9.Been to college?
- 5 months to go

7.Favorite time of day?
- hmm lunch.

6. Ever licked someone's cheek?
THAT IS NASTY. but i did before though..it was a dare..(game)

5. Watch all spiderman movies?
- hmm.. the first 2.. but not the third.. hahaa.

3.What are you looking forward to?
- to save up money...

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?
- nope...my eyes has flash lights..(X_X)
1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your
-depends..well i talk and walk..but not snore..hahas

what' am i up to?

By MARKPOGI on 11:41 PM

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Only 5 more days left before i start going to school again.
And most probably this conflict will occur once again.so what are the solution?

1) I might be too lazy to wake up early every morning again.
solution: Try to sleep EARLIER DUH!

2) I might be lost in some of my subjects and might have a high percentage of skipping school or that particular class again.
solution: Stop hanging out with your friends too long after school and try to catch up those subjects that you are most likely to be weak at while you are at home.

Sigh, i wish that this problems won't cross me once and for all.

Right now, I'm reading a book called " The Cambridge English Revision Guide" . I haven't reached half of the book yet, however, i feel that this book -hopefully- will broaden my knowledge for English.

I'm starting to get weak in one of my subjects called Principal Of accounts. I really hope that i could catch up QUICKLY ASAP what my teacher is teaching about. So when I'm in her class, i would know what she is talking about. If not, i would be wasting 1hr and 30 mins of my time staring into space and learning absolutely nothing at all.

My life is starting to build up a lot problems lately. I have so many problems that i don't know what to do with all of it. I'm confuse, lost, social life in school is getting worst, etc.... All i could do is pray, pray that God will take all my problems and wash it away. So i could start my day without worrying about anything at all.

I really don't know what else to talk about today. All i could say about my day is that it is very boring.

well guys goodbye and goodnight.
i hope you go online soon. i miss you

Go online!

By MARKPOGI on 3:32 PM

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You were really close to a particular person and suddenly, one day he/she started avoiding you. Have this situation happened to you before? Well I know I do. And it’s still happening now.

I have been waiting for that important person to go online for about 5 days, then again, my patience for each day waiting for him/her had gone to waste. And I’ve been saying sorry to him/her for no particular reason in Email, friendster, and offline message in IM. I don’t know why I’m saying sorry to that person though I know I didn’t do or done anything wrong to him/her. I really don’t know what is going on between us. And if you guys are thinking who this person is, it’s actually a close friend of mine. Not necessarily my lover okay.

Caleb told me that he accidentally drop his Samsung cell phone in his toilet bowl. Here’s the gross part, the toilet bowl is full of shit. NASTY isn’t it? He also told me that he reached his bare hand into the bowl just to retrieve his phone. GROSS. That sucks big time. Ugh don’t want to elaborate more on this topic. It’s starting to make me puke.

Dale is leaving for college, his going back to America. We, the youth ablaze, are going to miss you a lot. I’m really sorry if I couldn’t send you off at the airport, cause the airport really gives me sad flashbacks of my cousins leaving Singapore. And I hate that.

should i start blogging?

By MARKPOGI on 2:10 AM

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You may have noticed that the last post i blogged in here was March 18 2007,
and look! It's June 18 2007 TODAY!

Should i start blogging again?
Ans: well since I'm already here, i might as well give a post.

Its 2.17am, i can't put myself down to sleep. Hence, i decided to waste my time on this blog till i feel really sleepy.

We celebrated father's day yesterday. The church service was unbelievably wonderful as usual. There was a children presentation for the fathers after the sermons was done. The children were Adorable. Especially to those really young 3 years old or 4 years old kiddos. They were performing on a song by josh groban called " you raised me up ". they were all divided to different sections. one sections was full of babies, the next section was full of bigger babies, another section was full of tambourine dancer kidos, and the back of the stage was full of juniors, which are going to be in the youth ministry next coming year.

After all of the performance, my family and i went to The Manhattan Restaurant for our Father's day Lunch. Which is in Plaza Singapura,5th floor. We ordered a 2 set of mix fish platter which is enough for 4 people, crispy shrimp, clam chowder and last but not least we ordered vege salad. The fish platter is huge. we didn't get to finish up all of our food cause there were too much stuff on the platter. hahas! and we were to FULL! hahhaas! yeah.

gosh i think i lost my sense of style in blogging. anyway don't worry .
i'll come up with something that will entertain you people okay!

bye for now..

now its your turn to reply

By MARKPOGI on 2:07 PM

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So can I ask you guys some questions?

and I hope you readers would kindly reply back in my tag board or in the comment and the bottom of this post.

1-When one day you feel lazy to go to school, what do you do to encourage yourself?

2-when you are in this particular society and you do enjoy doing whatever you are doing inside that society, but almost a sum of people have been giving false slander against you. Would you rather go to another society and start a new page, which does the same thing, and no one is gossiping about you. …So what do you think will you choose?

3-You have this particular incurable sickness, which is so gross, that can be seen by your physical appearance. What will you do/react? How will you manage to be with your friend without being disgusted with you?

tell me in your tag/comment which question you are picking.

Enjoying replying

if you readers would want me to blog about something about a particular topic, do tell it to me. Thanks.

NOT another parent's and child situation again.

By MARKPOGI on 11:14 AM

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Currently, you do know and have noticed that I have not been Blogging a lot lately. To cut a long story short, I had 2 wonderful weeks including the Singapore march holidays. And “IF” you are one of my regular readers, you will know that I blog for the sake of releasing my SORROWS in my blog, drowning all my pain or a once-in-a-life time experience with something.

Seriously, what’s the point of talking about ALL my happiness in my blog if all you readers don’t learn anything from it? It is far much reasonable for me to talk about my wrongdoing, failures and depression and how I tackle on every difficult obstacle in life. You might ponder why this particular daily drama is beneficial for you. Well you see, it would prevent you from doing the same mistake and experiencing the emotional roller coaster ride (which doesn’t seem enjoying at all) like I had experience before. And you would also find out, from what I experience, the consequences of doing this-and-that or et cetera. So do you think I’m right? Well its up to you to decide.

So you do know what type of topic I’m Blogging about today right. Yes you’re right. It is another Daily drama type of topic.

It’s getting on my nerve when my parent kept asking me a lot of question about this-and-that due to the fact that they do not trust me like they did before. Yes, I once abuse their trust, but can’t I get another chance? Even dogs get chances. What about me?

Well from TEENADVICE.com says,

As to the core of your question - getting trust back - there are a few things you need to understand first. When trust is lost there are a variety of emotions to face in gaining it back. You will have to be prepared to deal with your parents; anger, resentment, disappointment, frustration and hurt. You will also have to address their legitimate feelings of being disrespected, of being taken for granted, and of being used. After all, they pay your bills and keep you safe and you owe them something for that - you owe it to them to honor their rules and wishes. If you can't honor their rules and wishes you owe it to them to open a dialogue about the problems and NOT sneak around doing whatever you please. What most parents can't handle is a child who tells them one thing and then does another. They tend to be able to handle a child who openly disagrees with them better than one who lies and makes them believe they are being listened to when in fact, they are not. The disappointment factor is much lower when your child makes their differing views known, and disappointment is a key component of lost trust.

To get things back on track with your parents the first thing you need to do is stop trying to control the healing process. As I said before, you don't get to set the terms. You need to accept their anger and fighting them on it is not accepting it. Even asking to go to a friend before they have made it clear that they are ready to deal with you again is forcing the issue. It is a passive aggressive way of saying, "Are you over it yet?" That is only going to make matter worse. When they are ready to give you back your freedom, which automatically comes with a small degree of trust, they'll let you know. Until then in regards to being "stuck at home all the time", you have to accept that part of what is going on is punishment, and any truly remorseful person accepts their punishment without question.

Ok this is MARK BRIAN speaking now, should I try doing what they advice? Or should I just continue controlling the healing process? I think it’s extremely obvious what I should do. So I think it’s a DIE-DIE-MUST-DO* situation.

*Term in singlish. And in English, it means, whatever it takes.