Go online!

By MARKPOGI on 3:32 PM

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You were really close to a particular person and suddenly, one day he/she started avoiding you. Have this situation happened to you before? Well I know I do. And it’s still happening now.

I have been waiting for that important person to go online for about 5 days, then again, my patience for each day waiting for him/her had gone to waste. And I’ve been saying sorry to him/her for no particular reason in Email, friendster, and offline message in IM. I don’t know why I’m saying sorry to that person though I know I didn’t do or done anything wrong to him/her. I really don’t know what is going on between us. And if you guys are thinking who this person is, it’s actually a close friend of mine. Not necessarily my lover okay.

Caleb told me that he accidentally drop his Samsung cell phone in his toilet bowl. Here’s the gross part, the toilet bowl is full of shit. NASTY isn’t it? He also told me that he reached his bare hand into the bowl just to retrieve his phone. GROSS. That sucks big time. Ugh don’t want to elaborate more on this topic. It’s starting to make me puke.

Dale is leaving for college, his going back to America. We, the youth ablaze, are going to miss you a lot. I’m really sorry if I couldn’t send you off at the airport, cause the airport really gives me sad flashbacks of my cousins leaving Singapore. And I hate that.

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