Wrong is Right?

By MARKPOGI on 7:04 AM

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So I woke up this morning around 5.30am, which is unbelievably early to me. I wasn’t suppose to get up till quarter to eight and I even asked someone to be my “Human” alarm clock. Because early is like “ 1pm-ish “ to me.

My scalp is unbelievably itchy. And I’ve been scratching it for “20-lovely-mins”. Although I don’t have a lot of hair; buzz hair cut, it feels like there are a lot of termites or creepy crawlies with sharp and pointy feet crawling on my scalp. Accordingly to what human supposedly will do in this type of situation, I took a quick 30mins warm shower to get rid of the itch.

Ok, so I can’t get myself to sleep again, as I’m feeling fresh from the shower I just had earlier on. So now its 6.16am, and I’m insanely bored to death. Now I wonder if it was a good idea to delete my msn messenger, oh wait, how stupid of me to think of that. Not a soul would be even online during these wee hours. Or would they?

I’ll be relatively busy this week and the following week and the following week after next week. I feel like stabbing myself, as I’m unbelievably worn-out from all the intensive studying I’ve been doing. Exam next week. I feel so nervous. Very nervous to be precise. I hope someone would do a good deed by putting me to death by placing a pillow on top of my face and soon I’ll be out of breathe and die miserably yet happy. I promise I won’t struggle to escape, to make the job easier for you. Oh heck, what am I talking about? Pillows? Ugh? See guys, this is what stress do to you.

P.O.A is so confusing, I feel like I’m stuck and feeling lost in a burning desert struggling to find water and food. P.O.A and MARK just don’t connect. I did make it an effort to learn it though. But I just kept going back to basic. I hope my mom don’t read this.

So basically the big topic of the week is, “I deleted my msn messenger?” And you know what? I feel ecstatic about it. I could never imagine how something feels so wrong could actually be the right things to do.

So much for “TGIF”, I still have lots of studying to do. This is really frustrating. I got to go.

*TGIF= Thank God Is Friday

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