what' am i up to?

By MARKPOGI on 11:41 PM

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Only 5 more days left before i start going to school again.
And most probably this conflict will occur once again.so what are the solution?

1) I might be too lazy to wake up early every morning again.
solution: Try to sleep EARLIER DUH!

2) I might be lost in some of my subjects and might have a high percentage of skipping school or that particular class again.
solution: Stop hanging out with your friends too long after school and try to catch up those subjects that you are most likely to be weak at while you are at home.

Sigh, i wish that this problems won't cross me once and for all.

Right now, I'm reading a book called " The Cambridge English Revision Guide" . I haven't reached half of the book yet, however, i feel that this book -hopefully- will broaden my knowledge for English.

I'm starting to get weak in one of my subjects called Principal Of accounts. I really hope that i could catch up QUICKLY ASAP what my teacher is teaching about. So when I'm in her class, i would know what she is talking about. If not, i would be wasting 1hr and 30 mins of my time staring into space and learning absolutely nothing at all.

My life is starting to build up a lot problems lately. I have so many problems that i don't know what to do with all of it. I'm confuse, lost, social life in school is getting worst, etc.... All i could do is pray, pray that God will take all my problems and wash it away. So i could start my day without worrying about anything at all.

I really don't know what else to talk about today. All i could say about my day is that it is very boring.

well guys goodbye and goodnight.
i hope you go online soon. i miss you

1 comments for this post

Keep trying, Mark!
I want to tell you that I'm proud of you. But do ask questions whenever you need help, ok?
I know you can make it.

Posted on June 24, 2007 at 5:03 PM