90 question

By MARKPOGI on 2:49 AM

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90.First off, what is your name?
- Mark Brian Lanzado Orallo

89.What did you do last night?
- hmmm... i think i stayed at home.(hey it was a monday night ok!)

87.Do you have any siblings?
- 1

86.Where are you exactly?
- in my room

85.Favorite color?
- Blue, Black and hot pink

84.What is the 7th message in your
- kiss me baby from... hahas i'm kidding i lost my phone...

83.Who sits infront of you in math?
- oh we don't have a particular sitting arrangement. we just sit anywhere we like.

82.Who sits to the left?
- i just told you, not SITTING ARRANGEMENT!

81.Where is your dad right now?
- sleeping in his room...

80. Do you have any kids?
- WHUT DE?!!! i'm 16 you know!! of course NO! but will one day hehehe...

79.Who is the 5th person you had
- hahaha.

78.Closest black object?
- keyboard.

77.Closest silver object?
- laptop

76.Have you ever jumped a fence for
any reason?
- yeah. at gen's condo. we were too lazy to go one big round. so we just jump over their condo fence

75.Do you sing in the shower?
- yeah. most of the time.

74.Do you own any pets?
- YESH! and it just died 2 days ago. my hamster died...

73.How does your hair look right now?
- hmmm...i think it loooks wonderful.. hahas

72.Last time you listened to country
- NOPE! not my type

70.If you could kill someone, who
would it be?
- i wouldn't kill anyone ..really!

68. What do you hear right now?
- akon: don't matter

67. How many drugs are in your system
right now?
- what the heck.. i have no idea

65. What are you wearing?
- undies , shorts ,plain t-shirt.. i'm going to sleep duh

64. Who was the last person to comment
- hmm adel..liana's friend?

63.Madonna or Janet Jackson?
- neither.

62.Screamo or Country?
- neither

61.Rock or Rap?
- Rock and rap

60.Chocolate or vanilla?
- vanilla.

59.Who did you last call?
- my dad. i asked him to buy me donuts hahas

58.Who last called you?
- a person who was looking for my sis. UGH~!

57.What jewelry do you wear daily?
- none...

56.What are you doing now?
- IM,MSN,Friendster and multiply and blog

55.Who was the last person you said I
love you to?
- erm. secret?

54.Would you die for someone?
-yesh my close family members and my cousins

53.If so, who?
- i just told you! my family members and my cousins

52.Are you cold right now?
- yesh.. the air-con is set to 16 deg Celsius

51. What are you thinking about?
- about the question that i'm suppose to answer?

50.Do you have to pee right now?
- hmm.. not really.

49.What did you dream about last
- erm... i dream ...nothing actually.. or i can't remember.

48.What are you doing tomorrow?
- how the heck i know?

44.Bedsheet color?
- blue

42.Carpet or wood in your room?
- wood, parquet

41.Bad rumor about yourself that
you've heard?
- hmmm....i'm not gonna say it out

40.Do you have makeup on right now?
- yesh like lip gloss and eye shadow , and other stuff... (X_X)..
dude i'm a guy! why do i need make up!!!!hahhas..weird

38.Can you do a cartwheel?
- hahahas..sympre naman(of course) ..yun lang eh..(that's all?)

37.What is your favorite candle scent?
- Lavender

36. Ever gone a whole day without
-YESH! when i was really broke

35.America or Canada?
- philippines.?

34.What makes you mad?
- depends on my mood.

33. What if you found out you were
- hmm.dad mom how could u not tell me about this all along. why did you keep this important thing away from me. how could you!!! .... well is my real parent rich? they are? OH MY GOOD! ok bye mom bye dad..where are they staying?

hahas i'm kidding.

hahas well hmm.. seriously i don't know..

32.Jeans or Sweatpants?
- jeans.

29.Do you have socks on?
- nope. well if i have shoes i do..

28.Do you own any big sunglasses?
- yup.

27.Have you ever cried so hard you
- er..is that possible?

22.Person who posted this before you?
- someone.

19.Favorite TV show?
- a lot! please don't make me describe it here

18.Do you like 80s movies?
- hmm.. not really.

16.Last two numbers in your cell phone
- lost my fone

15.What kinda music do you like?
- it depends.

14.Are you a crazy stalker?
- nope, cause they stalk me.

13.Best city you've visited?
- prolly, singapore cbd zone. and philippines .somewhere ..hahas i don't know exactly where in phil

12.Been to London?
- well not really...

10. Favorite subject at school?
- free periods..is that considered subject? hahas..well seriously no fav subs

9.Been to college?
- 5 months to go

7.Favorite time of day?
- hmm lunch.

6. Ever licked someone's cheek?
THAT IS NASTY. but i did before though..it was a dare..(game)

5. Watch all spiderman movies?
- hmm.. the first 2.. but not the third.. hahaa.

3.What are you looking forward to?
- to save up money...

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?
- nope...my eyes has flash lights..(X_X)
1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your
-depends..well i talk and walk..but not snore..hahas

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