it wasn't that bad

By MARKPOGI on 12:32 AM

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While waiting patiently for my turn (oral exam), My legs were practically shaking a lot inside the waiting-room. Waiting for aproxx 40 mins for my turn, in my mind, i kept giving myself random questions which consist of different types of genres, just to keep myself mentally ready for the question that i will be receiving later on.
However, those questions that i run through in my mind, didn't manage to help me at all.hahhas. Due to the fact that my questions were relatively far from the questions that the teacher had given me.

The question was " tell me about your childhood memories " .

I gave a confident smile, though i didn't manage to ask myself that question before, however, i find this question really simple. ( thanks to the korean and Filipino drama that i watched, which gave me an idea to a really dramatic while logical way of describing my childhood memories ).

Ok here it goes,The childhood memories that I could possibly recalled are the one that affected me deeply. If I may recall, since it was a long time ago, I hope that I could describe it as clearly as possible. It was the time that My mom would praise me and would even conduct a small party for me, although we weren’t financially stabled back then, whenever I would receive a medal or if I ever got top in my class, when I was in my primary school years. Thinking that my mom would work so hard just to earn extra money for the extra expenses that would be spent on me, had affected me greatly. And not only does she work during the morning shift, but also (high pitch voice) the afternoon as well. And she doesn’t just do ordinary jobs like people used to have now a day, she works in a garment factory (lying ha-ha). Which I find it really tiring and plus boring to do( from a episode of maalalala mo kaya). And the time when my friend and i will swim or fish by the riverside near our school and would spend mostly our entire afternoon enjoying ourself. However, there are also some bad memories that I had and experienced when I was young. Due to the fact that my family wasn’t really financially stabilized back then, we were sometimes forced by the landlord to move out of our relatively small, uncomfortable and dirty house ASAP because we couldn’t afford to pay up a months rent or the accumulated rents for several months.(I looked down-feeling emo) And because of this situation that we are having back then, we kept moving in and out from different locations in the Philippines. On rare occasion, they would just barge in the house, when we’re not there, and take our belongings from the house and would just leave it outside of our house in a scattered manner, some even broken or stolen (Ysabella- TFC show- one of the episode in that show, whereby the contrabida (bad person) arranged a group of guys to barge in their house and throw their belongings outside). And my parents would often cry, especially my mom, when they knew that there is nothing that they could possibly do to reverse the situation (teacher look kind of sad). But thankfully, due to my parent’s great commitment and never-say-die attitude in their small business, we thrived and blossomed majestically and now filthy rich that we now could afford to come over to Singapore to expand the business.

the teacher told me, " and this happened where? in Singapore"
i replied ," oh no, all of this happened in Philippines"
teacher, " oh that's a really tragic event"
I replied, " yes it is, isn't it? its a really tragic and unforgetable event "
Teacher " but i glad things has changed for you and your family" , " okay thanks , you may go now"

P.S: whatever i just told the i-don't-know-her-name teacher, is fiction hahas.

Reading the passage part wasn't that scary at all, preety normal, i was all ready for it. Same goes with the picture description, however i may find it unusual why i told them this" in my opinion i believe that the person at my extreme right (which is a baby) is thinking about --since the teacher asked me what that person was thinking about-- ...thinking about when will he able to talk" AND i was like.? OMG TALK??? where the heck did that idea came from. I hope this is logical with the teachers point of view. Which i could aprox range it a 0.5/100 % chance of getting it hahas.

BUT,nevertheless, most of all, i thank the Lord for giving me such a creative mind, which i had asked for yesterday, and giving me the strength to voice out confidently to the invigilators. I would never be able to do this without his help.

OK. So after my exam i went straight to ate paula's condo for a small gathering and later party that the youth had prepared.

i'm not gonna say anything that happened there. cause you guys can view it in my photo album hahas.

but one thing that i could never forget is, someone threw up -big time- just by (forcefully) tasting a piece of durian hahaas..i bet it was an unforgetable experience for him.

and i was like, erm i want more durian. hahhaas..well its 3.36am and i got to head off to bed..night night people... comment okay..PUHLEASE!

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