NOT another parent's and child situation again.

By MARKPOGI on 11:14 AM

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Currently, you do know and have noticed that I have not been Blogging a lot lately. To cut a long story short, I had 2 wonderful weeks including the Singapore march holidays. And “IF” you are one of my regular readers, you will know that I blog for the sake of releasing my SORROWS in my blog, drowning all my pain or a once-in-a-life time experience with something.

Seriously, what’s the point of talking about ALL my happiness in my blog if all you readers don’t learn anything from it? It is far much reasonable for me to talk about my wrongdoing, failures and depression and how I tackle on every difficult obstacle in life. You might ponder why this particular daily drama is beneficial for you. Well you see, it would prevent you from doing the same mistake and experiencing the emotional roller coaster ride (which doesn’t seem enjoying at all) like I had experience before. And you would also find out, from what I experience, the consequences of doing this-and-that or et cetera. So do you think I’m right? Well its up to you to decide.

So you do know what type of topic I’m Blogging about today right. Yes you’re right. It is another Daily drama type of topic.

It’s getting on my nerve when my parent kept asking me a lot of question about this-and-that due to the fact that they do not trust me like they did before. Yes, I once abuse their trust, but can’t I get another chance? Even dogs get chances. What about me?

Well from says,

As to the core of your question - getting trust back - there are a few things you need to understand first. When trust is lost there are a variety of emotions to face in gaining it back. You will have to be prepared to deal with your parents; anger, resentment, disappointment, frustration and hurt. You will also have to address their legitimate feelings of being disrespected, of being taken for granted, and of being used. After all, they pay your bills and keep you safe and you owe them something for that - you owe it to them to honor their rules and wishes. If you can't honor their rules and wishes you owe it to them to open a dialogue about the problems and NOT sneak around doing whatever you please. What most parents can't handle is a child who tells them one thing and then does another. They tend to be able to handle a child who openly disagrees with them better than one who lies and makes them believe they are being listened to when in fact, they are not. The disappointment factor is much lower when your child makes their differing views known, and disappointment is a key component of lost trust.

To get things back on track with your parents the first thing you need to do is stop trying to control the healing process. As I said before, you don't get to set the terms. You need to accept their anger and fighting them on it is not accepting it. Even asking to go to a friend before they have made it clear that they are ready to deal with you again is forcing the issue. It is a passive aggressive way of saying, "Are you over it yet?" That is only going to make matter worse. When they are ready to give you back your freedom, which automatically comes with a small degree of trust, they'll let you know. Until then in regards to being "stuck at home all the time", you have to accept that part of what is going on is punishment, and any truly remorseful person accepts their punishment without question.

Ok this is MARK BRIAN speaking now, should I try doing what they advice? Or should I just continue controlling the healing process? I think it’s extremely obvious what I should do. So I think it’s a DIE-DIE-MUST-DO* situation.

*Term in singlish. And in English, it means, whatever it takes.

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