do you support euthanasia?

By MARKPOGI on 12:27 AM

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Definition: Euthanasia is a mercy type of killing, act of putting death painlessly or allowing to die as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition.

Why should we support Euthanasia? Well, let’s put it this way; imagine that you are a very sick and frail person lying down on a hospital bed incapable to move. And when you have to do your “business”, a nurse would actually be helping you to wipe your filthy ass. Naturally, you will be embarrassed with yourself because you are incapable of wiping your own butt. In fact, you are incapable to move. You are like a LIVING VEGETABLE, soon to disintegrate there alone for a really long time, by yourself, having the worst taste of hell although you are still in earth and soon you’re gone. And dying is the only way out before entering this unbelievably indescribable experience. So should we or should we not support Euthanasia?

Some Countries, due to religious and culture beliefs, they could not accept Euthanasia. For example, Christianity teaches us that by committing suicide, we are throwing our soul into the devil's claws. And most religions of the world are against murder. No matter how humanely it may be done, it remains murder.

But shouldn’t we have the right to make our End-Of-Life decision?

Once again we are dealing with a self-perpetuating problem: a tautology. Why is the sky blue? Because it reflects the sea. Why is the sea blue? Because it reflects the sky.

case-by-case basis

Krizia said:No i do not support euthanasia.hhahaha.

KAtrina said:do you? well i personally think its SICK.
why should you have the "end-life-decision" when that life is really not yours and merely borrowed?

the life we have now is basically given to us by the Supreme ruler up there(this one dpends on ur religion, belief also) but as a Christian, Catholic, i have my view on this.

that example youve stated is only a matter of eating up your pride. what if (just an example) lets say ur maried, and ur wife is in that situation, would you want her to end her life or would you, rather help her deal with her grave illness? of course you love her and want to be with her till the last breath, the natural way of dying is way off better than ending it yourself/herself for this matter.

it is not only "by the Book" ("Thou shall not kill.") that matters here but also your care and love for the person. ok, lets say youre not in any way related to someone who has this grave illness, lets say youre a doctor, because, though its really ironic, doctors are the ones who do these. doctors are supposed to SAVE lives not END them.

its not about thinking how pathetic you are but its all about how you deal with it, if you see it in a very negative way, then you might think euthanasia is better off but if you see that illness as God's obstacle for you to grow stronger, then battling this illness till the last is God's last mission for you.


GOD GAVE US A purpose to live. but not to end it!
i totally agree on that.

you know, you could actually be a good debater hahahas! ..

anyway back to the point.

and i totally agree, if i have a wife( for example ) and who is suffering from any disease that had cause her to become a "vegetable". I would personally rather be with her till Her very last breath.And what if we had kids? I'm sure my kids would motivate encourage my wife, their mother to live much longer.

But i know looking at her suffering is unbelievably painful to my heart although i know she could be suffering more then me.

But that is another problem that love will conquer. like what Piolo Pascual's movie said, " there is no pain that love cannot heal " which i totally agree on.

I guess you gave such Strong points here.. You win the round hahas

sheena said:yea, i totally agree with her. i dont support it. Doctors are suppose to SAVE lives not END them. as a christian, i believe that God will end ure lives when it's time , so if he doesnt then he probably has a plan . he has his reasons for what he's doing.

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