Time pressure

By MARKPOGI on 12:36 AM

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The time is getting nearer and nearer. However, why can't i persuade myself to push every ounce of strength that is left in me to run that very last lap? Will i ever find a "catalyst" that will help me to speed up the process if ever i was short of time? Why am i brooding over this? Perhaps, i've been feeling isolated from all the people around me for the pass few weeks which may have caused depression to come about, and may have possibly taken control over my decision in life.

But no, its not isolation that i'm facing now. I'm suffocating -not literally- from all those lies,deals that never happened or will not even happen and promises that are not being fufilled which i heard from all my close or even love ones.

When you are running that last lap, what do you actually need? Possibly,The sound of the cheering crowd shouting and blasting your name. This gives you the MOTIVATION.Which then encourage you to do your very best and not wanting to dissapoint all those who support you. Well during my last lap, I never received any motivation from anyone. Motivation is very important and vital to an individual need. What i received was "forced".

Personally,As for me, when i'm being forced to do something, Ironically, i would do the reversed way. So force will never be Beneficial to me.

There are also other factors. but i guess to me, what i wrote above, is the most Vital for me. Which will effect me more then those factors that i didn't mention here.

.....to be continue(or might not)

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