eski bar

By MARKPOGI on 10:00 PM

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since i'm a little bit bored. i'll just blog about what we did when me and some of my friends went drinking at eski bar at clark quay a few weeks ago.

well if i could remember, i met ling ling first at dhoby gaut exchange. it has been such a long time since i last saw her. i think it has already been almost a year or more. but it feels like i've seen her yesterday. see how time flies quickly.

then we met pei yun at clark quay control station. we head out to meet jia yi. i realized that everybody look different now. infact, everybody look much better than before.

and since jason was going to be late, we had our dinner first. we talked practically about everything. I even heard stories that some of my previous classmates are weird now. sucks to be them. haha

when jason arrived, we head straight to eski bar. we ordered hard liquor and i had one more extra heiniken i just love heiniken. it cost 12 dollars for a bottle of heniken! gosh! its really expencive! haha :D

we played a lot of games inside. and all of us were really really noisy. to be honest i don't think i was tipsy or drunk at all. it feels like i'm just really energetic. we paid more than a hundred dollar for everything. but i think everything was worth it, because we all had a great time there. and of course we camwhored all the way! hahaha! and here are some of the pictures

in total it was more than 300 photos! can you imagine that!
we went out of the place around 3am. and then waited for nightrider bus. we kept waiting and waiting for N1 and they kept telling me that it will arrive soon. but then i checked the time at the board. N1 isn't arriving because we already passed the last bus for that bus service. UGH! we've been waiting for more than an hour already. and there is another bus service that will bring us back home it passed us a lot of times while we were waiting for the other bus. i can't really remember what the number was. we finally boarded the bus around 5 something. and reached home around 6am. and when i arrived back home. i went straight to my bed and sleep. so that was mostly what happened to me that day :D

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