TLWF church anniversary 2009

By MARKPOGI on 1:15 AM

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Today is our church anniversary, TLWF choir sang 2 beautiful songs. I was quite impressed, well it's far better than their other performances.

And after church service, the youth gathered together and head towards one of the bus that our church had hired. unfortunately, almost all the bus was fully occupied. so we had to wait for a few more minutes before the next bus will arrive to take us there. we had so much fun in East Coast Park. we joined in the games. the youth ablaze," black team" , won first prize. WHOHOO! go youth!

the first game is rather difficult to explain it by word.

the second game, 10 members hold a spoon on their mouths. and their objective is to walk straight and than turn back once he/she reached the other line. once she arrived at the starting point, she has to pass a quail egg to the next person in line. in this game we got 2nd.

3rd game was, 8 members was assigned to eat a particular food. mine was lemon. there's 2 banana, a bottle of water, lime and pulvoron. and once the last person finished eating, he/she have to blow a bowl of powedered stuff and voila you are finished. we got first here! haha! whohoo!

here is a video of me eating the lemon.

4th game was question and answer. omg this part is so SO SO FUNNY!
some questions that i heard was..

what's your father's fullname?
what's in the middle of genesis and revelation? the answer is AND! omg this is so lame! haha

there are 7 birds hanging on a many birds are left on the tree if someone were to shoot 1 bird down? well logically, if you shoot one! the rest will be shocked because of the gun shot! so the rest of the birds will disperse. so no birds will be left on the tree. hhaha!

there are so many other lame questions that they asked but i couldn't remembered anymore. haha!

so after that, we played volleyball and took a lot of pictures.

and before we all go home, we all cleaned up the place and took more pictures again. haha!

and here are some of the pictures today.

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