i'm not alone

By MARKPOGI on 2:57 PM

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now i found out that in my family line, i'm not the only one that is allergic to a particular food.

my cousin don is allergic to chicken.
cousin gen is allergic to beef.
cousin job is allergic to something which i forgot.
my sister is allergic to a lot of food sauce.
and i'm allergic to .wow. a long list of craps.

1) prawn
but sometimes i still eat this cause i can never resist tempura! i love tempura. allergic reaction will occur after 24 hrs later.
2) poultry
i can never eat this, as in never, cause if i did, allergic reaction will start after 5mins. i will start to itch, my face will get swollen, dry out and peel and my lips will swell like crazy. very painful.
3) flour
not too much bread, not too much rice, not too much delicious cakes :( anything with flour must not be taken too much.
4) crab
this is new, i just realized that i can't eat crab, i love crab though, i really love it, its delicious. but i can never eat crab anymore.
5) eggplant
my tongue will itch and lips will itch like crazy.
6) garlic sauce for bread. (eg. garlic bread)
not the one you use for flavoring.
7) peanut butter
8) pollen
gives me running nose and block nose. however, that's not under food though but i still want to let you guys know.
9) etc. more to find out in the near future. but i hope it won't add anymore cause i love to eat.

currently, my face is swollen like crazy, its peeling because i ate crab last Saturday.

and sorry if i haven't been updating my blog because i am too busy playing God of Wars on my psp. but wow i just finished that game in just 1 day and 1 night. altogether, just few hours.

oh yeah, this morning my friend called me on my phone if i want to have breakfast with them, than i told them, sure why not. but i was really really sleepy cause i slept real late last night, than they called me again and told me that they were already underneath my block, and i told them, hey come up here first and let me go and take a bath. you guys go up here now. and than after putting down the phone, i fall asleep again. than suddenly after few mins later, they were already in my room. and i was like. omg i forgot! hahhaa! they shouted! OI! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! GO BATH NOW! and i told them. ahh!!! i'm so sleepy! ok ok i'll bath now! told them to watch Tv first. after 30 mins later, i was done and ready to go, they told me, '' ey MARK you not handsome anymore leh! what happen to your face. so SWOLLEN. and ugly". than i told them i ate something that cause that reaction. hahaha! they my friend say haha, karma! hahha! hello! i will regain my handsome face after a week time. hahaha!

they treated me breakfast, when ordering our food, my friend say. EY! 4 ICE LEMON TEA HERE now! and i told my friend, "hey that one so old already yet you so rude to him" (sorry for the singlish way of speaking hahaha) . than my friend told me, they must know that i'm incharge of this place mah!. THAN I LAUGHED LIKE HELL! HAHAHHA! than i told her," that uncle know you meh? know your name ah?". she said," no need to know me, know my face can already" than i was like.WHAT? (-_-)'' hahahahhahaha.!!!!!!!

and than carl told us whether we want to go swimming one day, than he said that, nish must wear bikini, than we said no no no not bikini, she just have to use plaster/band-aid and cover her nipples and her hole hahahaha! and people stared at us for more than a second. (O_O)''

hahaha! and than phen phen was the float! hahhaa! don't ask why or wonder why! hahhaa! just use your imagination!

than after that, we told nish to eat pork! haha! well she can't cause she only eat Halal food hahhaa! than i told her! hey pork really good! must taste. pork very delicious hahhahha!! and she was like. bloody hell lar you ! hahhaha!

and then we went to macdonalds and played UNO and monkey-monkey and pyramid game, and ate ice cream there. we are so noisy. the uncle beside us told us to keep our volume down. but than my friend said this is not the library hahaha! omg! haha!

beside us, there was 4 sec students, they were also chatting and chatting, suddenly this guy shouted and shocked us. hahahhaha! then my friend said. ay boy no shouting in a whispery tone. and i said! hey you also shout all the time you know! hahhahahah! you are so noisy too!

when they were playing one game on my ipod touch, where you have to hit those moles and prevent them from coming out of their holes, they are so violent! i thought my ipod touch glass broke haha! it is so funny! hahhaha! and when they returned my ipod touch to me. i saw chocolate fudge and oreo's on the screen. GRRRRRRR!!!! hahaha! dirty! anyway, its alright. cause its cleanable haha!

than when nish have to do some groceries, i randomly put a lot of pork in her basket hahahhaha!!!!!!!! than i said, " must try very good!" hahahhaha! than when she returned the pork, i put the pork quietly inside the basket hahahhahahah!!!!

i laughed my ass of today. hahaha! i kept laughing and laughing and laughing! ok ok ok ! i need to go now! good bye guys! hahaha!

5 comments for this post

you are so an allergy magnet XD you can have all the allergy in the world :D just kidding mark! im allergicto shrimp too i have like puffy lips and stuff worst than angelina jolie's lips..ahaha XD

Posted on January 26, 2009 at 9:05 PM  

really? worst than angelina jolie's lips? hahha! omg! how big is that exactly? oh gosh! haha! but it sucks to be allergic to shrimp! ugh! i love tempura. pero i have to face the consequences haha!

Posted on January 26, 2009 at 9:13 PM  

yeah me too tempura is my fave too..but i need to eat it in caution now..i miss eating shrimp without restrictions XD ahaha...

Posted on January 26, 2009 at 9:15 PM  

exactly HAHA! shrimp lover! pero with caution! ugh! sucks!

Posted on January 26, 2009 at 9:18 PM  

yuhp..sometimes i fear of eating it in parties cause the effect is like 3 mins after eating XD

Posted on January 26, 2009 at 9:41 PM