By MARKPOGI on 4:02 AM

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So today was pretty alright. 

I woke up around 4pm . That is practically normal to me already. 

You know, this past few days or maybe weeks, I've been sleeping around 10am and getting quite used to it. It doesn't really make a huge difference whether i sleep at night or during the day. As long as i get my decent rest right? Whenever my body tells my brain to get some sleep i am able to fall asleep faster instead of me forcing my self to fall asleep which would roughly take hours to do so.

And when i sleep during the day, what i really do to make my room feels like it is 10pm, i took my blanket and used it to cover my window. Therefore, my room is dark again! my blanket is pretty thick enough to block the sunlight that are coming in.

I want to talk about today, i helped carried some stuff for my mom to church today. 

My mom met her friend ellen. yes she is ellen degeneres. And she is a really close friend of my mom. she actually had a huge crush on my mom. a secret that she never told anyone except me. i wonder why...hmm...


so when we met her she told me,

Ellen: "Hey handsome"

Me: "smiles politely while receiving her kind compliment", in his brain," Jeez me handsome now? how could you not noticed that before? grrrrh. is there a difference between that mark and this mark. so i presumed that this mark is so much more handsome to you huh. so what about that mark. he looks like a junk to you? oh wait let me just tell you something. THAT MARK IS THIS MARK TOO. " than i finished off with a " fake smile again"

There was also another conversation that i heard while  she was talking to my mom.

Ellen: hey you know, Mark really look a little bit like his dad

Mom: No he doesn't look like him at all

Ellen: So you're telling me he looks like you * with a "whatever i know I'm right" look on her face*

Mom: *quickly changes the topic* " hey look 1 min more before the train will arrive"
And i overheard another conversation again in the train.

Ellen: "Hey you know mark looks like an American now"

My thoughts: *huh? really? i do? hmmm.....*

Ellen: "His cheeks is reddish in color and he got a good face structures"

My thoughts: * oh you mean my rashes? that's the main reason why my cheeks are red. I didn't know that having a red cheeks would make me an American. - the logic - , oh yeah and i really have good face structures. must be in our genes. All my cousins and uncle are good looking. well not really all. but almost all of us are."

Mom: well * smiles * and maybe thinking " haha well my son is handsome and your son will never be as handsome as him" * Evil grin laughter: MWHAAHAHA* ... KIDDDING "
I used my IPOD touch while waiting for the prayer night to finish, i watched quite a number of youtube videos, visited facebook and played some apps games too. Than i got bored.

Than Jonathan, an immature youth, a secondary 2 guy who still plays tag a.k.a catching in school with his friend, an irritating person and who acts really childish approached me and told me hey can i have a girlfriend who is a buddhist?

and i was thinking: * who would even like you? except your parents *

than he also said, " hey there was this girl in school that have a crush on me and want to go steady with me leh "


than i answer him , " there's a girl who actually likes you in school?  she must be really ugly or weird to fall in love with you" (laughs)

He also said " The girl i like is angry with me because i told her that i'm going to have a fake girlfriend"

Me: * what the heck is that guy talking about *
I said: " than why the heck did you told her that you are getting a fake girlfriend?"

He said. " because she got angry with me because people in school knows that we have a relationship together"

I said, " isn't that what obviously will happen if both of you "have" (still thinking whether what he says is true) a relationship together? 

Me: * And i taught positive and negative attracts. this 2 person are just really stupid and plain weird *

When the prayer night ended, I try my best to avoid the adults as much as possible because they kept minding my business. ugh! annoys me a lot.

One group thinks I'm still in school therefore told me " hey mark you're still here? aren't you going back to school now? when are you leaving? "

Another group thinks I'm on holiday , " hey mark how's your holiday? fun? "

Another group thinks I'm Joining the army "hey Mark when are you starting your National Service ( Army ) ? "

Another group thinks I'm Not joining the army " hey Mark,  so what will happen to you now without your national service? "


oh man what a long blog entry. It is to compensate for the few days of not writing. 

This is all my internet connection fault. the day before yesterday, my internet and cable Tv lost it's connection. and i was like WTH! I'm watching hannah montana! :X kidding! haha!

than i thought " oh no! today is going to be so boring! "

apparently i was wrong, I watched Starwars episode 1 2 3 4 5 6  continuously. and i enjoyed it.

I was really impressed with the graphics in episode 4 5 6 it wasn't the best if you compared it with today's movies. but 1977 with that kind of graphics is really hard to imagine. while watching it, i was thinking how did they do that without using computers? or whatever? 

My internet and cable is up again! whohoo! *Screams * 
Finally i can blog and watch youtube videos. that is what i practically do when i have nothing to do at all. 

ugh look it's 6.08 am! It's time for my dinner! hahha!

oh please do comment on my Comments which is located below every post and not on the Tagboard on my left alright :D thanks! use that tagboard to say hi and greet me there alright! whatever is related to the post must be commented in the post itself alright! thank you guys! :D keep reading :D

50 million dollars

By MARKPOGI on 6:46 AM

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Have you ever wondered if one day you woke up and someone told you that you won 50 Million Dollars? And i mean US DOLLARS. And you'll be thinking where the heck that loads of money came from. So you start slapping yourself or pinching yourself trying to see whether you're still dreaming. Than you realized that you're actually wide awake.

Actually, I've been wondering what if that person was me. And to think of it, 50 Million dollars is a lot of money. This could totally change my life. I don't even know where to begin. Hmmmm...

Ah! I know now. First I'm going to give 1 Million each to my Mom, Dad and my Sister. And than 47 MILLION ALL FOR ME! MWHAHAHAHAs! HEY COME ON! 1 MILLION IS A LOT OF MONEY ALREADY RIGHT?

So since I've got 47 million dollars left with me, I think I'm going to put 30 million dollars in the bank incase I might accidentally spend everything in a month time.

With the remaining money I have, The first thing that I'm going to buy is a Yellow Lamborghini. What I like about this is because it catches people attention and the "Chicks" attention. And I love attention. Can you imagine an 18 years old Teenager riding a Lamborghini. It's hard to believe right? This is so going to make my friends jealous. And i LOVE IT! mwahhaha! And no, you are not allowed to drive my car. :D

Hmm.. I was thinking of buying a private Jet, but on second thought, I don't think I'm that rich yet to purchase it. Maybe next time. sigh!

Next I'm going to buy a Luxurious house that offers Great views and Clean Fresh air. It must also come with a really Big function room to held all my FORMAL VIP PARTIES! That are only invited by ME of course! I want my house to be so beautiful that when people step foot in my house i want them to be amazed by the beauty of it. And I also want my house to be safe 24/7. so a security guard is a must-must! I also want my parents and my sister to live with me. I don't want to be living all alone with the maids and guards, that is so boring.

And the next thing that I'm going to do is, SHOPPING!!!!! Come to think of it, actually that should be the first thing I should do when I turned rich. haha! I'm going to shop till i drop with my friends! But I'm not really into those Gucci or Prada stuff or whatever rich clothing brand et cetera, cause i know my friends could totally not afford them haha! I know right? They are like freaking poor! I'm just going to buy all those stuff that looks good on me.

And since I'm Rich now, I should also be taking care of my Facial appearance. It's not nice when people see you and comment you for having wrinkles or whatever shit stuff on your face that makes you ugly. so a good dermatologist is a must for me. I might also be considering on doing Plastic Surgery. It is not as if i have no looks to begin with, I definetely have looks even before i became rich! I just want my features to be more enhanced.


And I'm going to give 10 million dollars to my Mom and Dad to plan and start our own family business.

I don't think i need a therapist. Do all rich people have therapist? Well if they do, i'm still not going to have one.

Oh yeah, I also want to travel around the world! I want to go places like Egypt, Venice, Barcelona, Korea , Canada, switzerland and more.

I also want to enjoy fine dining without worrying how much i should limit myself with the menu prices.

And now my parents can retire EARLY! whohooo!

hmmm. there is so much more money left. i still don't know what to do with it.

SIGH! if only all of this was true.

But whatever it is, i think i'm still happy with the way i'm living right now.

As somebody told me before, " An Education, Food to eat and a roof over your head" you are already considered blessed.


By MARKPOGI on 4:38 AM

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When i was a kid, my sister have this cassette tape which plays nursery rhyme songs. And she would purposely play it because she knows I'm like afraid of it and i will get really really scared. Especially, when it comes to the part when i hear eerie musical box playing and loud thundering sound. I would rush to my sister and jump over her lap. And I'll use her hands and my hands to cover my ears for double sound protection ha-ha! and both of my eyes are shut tightly. I don't even know why I'm scared of nursery rhymes since nursery rhymes is for children.

Than my sister will try to comfort me and she'll be like, no Mark don't be scared I'm here for you. and I'm like. uh-huh? if i could remember you're the one who played it? thank you so much for being there. haha! and once she stopped the music, she'll be like, more! you don't need to be afraid now. you can open your eyes and stop covering your ears now. and once I'm back to normal she'll play it again. and laugh at me. and i will run to her again! haha! GRRHH!!

And SHIT! the worst part is the after-effect, I can't get myself to sleep because when i close my eyes, i'll start hearing , " IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL, IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER, IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER. IT'S A SMALL SMALL WORLD ". UGH it's so ANNOYING!

And when i am sleeping on my sides, i could sharply hear heavy footsteps on my pillow? and it really freaked me out. and when i lift my head off the pillow, the sound disappeared. But when i place my head on the pillow again, i heard the heavy footsteps again. gosh, it's really creepy. i don't know where all the sound is coming from since i'm too young to even know what's this and that.

I also remember back in grade school, since my sister's school is right infront of my school and both of our school shared the same field, i was playing "tag" (also known as " CATCHING" in singapore) with my friends in the open soccer field, and than out of the blue moon i had my asthma attack.

the teachers from my sister's school rushed to me and since my sister was kinda popular back in her school, they knew who i was immediately. we'll they don't know me by name but they addressed me as, "Joyce's brother ".

so anyway, the teacher was like, " go call joyce quickly quickly!" to the student.

after my school and my sister's school negotiated what to do with me, they excused my sister from her classes that day and the principle drove me to the nearest clinic with my sister and than called up my parent.

my sister was like, MARK are you okay? . and i'm like panting, " Ouch, very painful, ugh...". and once everything was done in the clinic, my sister and i went back home with my mom. luckly it wasn't very serious. so Thank God.

my updates

By MARKPOGI on 1:26 AM

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  • Few more days more to go and bye bye january and say hello to february and this means that if i want to stay in singapore for another month i've got to go to ICA again to get another extension.
  • My sister went to a 5 days business trip in KL. Before she left, she gave me 20 dollars. whohoo! thanks ate.
  • I did managed to clean up my room on friday, however, on saturday it was very very messy again. And this was not my fault because i'm not the one who made that mess. It was the kids fault. mwhahahas! blame the kids. BURN!!! ok kidding....
  • I've been playing maple story and audition again! and i'm ADDICTED! oh shit! haha!
  • My allergy reaction flared up again, and i don't even know what caused it. GRRH!
  • It's chinese new year! and i don't know what to do? maybe peel some oranges? bleh! i don't even like orange, except ready-made orange juice with pulp..hmm..yummm!. hehe!
  • My neck is so iittcchhyy!!!! been scratching it like for-ever!!!!
  • whohooo! i grew taller. you know by how much? well i grew 0.000000001 mm tall whohohoo! (X_X)'''...and you guys are probably thinking what instrument i used to measure my height right? hahaha! corny me!


By MARKPOGI on 12:56 AM

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I'm so sorry guys!!! i know you have been waiting for my blog updates. well cause i was playing maple story! and yes! i'm so ashamed and dissapointed of myself playing that game again! because i've stopped playing that game for more than a year already. and now i'm addicted to that game again! UGH! well i'm going to control myself soon...hhaha! well since i haven't been blogging a lot, i will post a lot of stuff on my blog starting tomorrow alright! so just stay tune guys! and i'm really sorry again!

TLWF children's christmas performance

By MARKPOGI on 12:36 AM

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omg i can't believe this

By MARKPOGI on 10:56 PM

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there was a picture i took and posted in flickr a long time ago. and than while i was checking my friends in msn. i happened to see that their display picture was actually one of the pictures that i took before. i am so honoured that there are actually people using the pictures that i took as their DP haha!. how i know it is mine? well there's a signature MARK on the bottom left of the picture , which i think the dp has it too! haha cool right! i'm so honoured haha!

click the picture to enlarge it! so you can see the proof haha!

I can't sleep

By MARKPOGI on 5:42 AM

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I've been on my bed for four and a half hours already. Yet I still
can't get myself to fall asleep. I kept turning and turning on my bed.
Ugh! I want to sleep now! I need strength and energy when i go out
later with my friends. I don't want to accidentally fall asleep in the
cinema later. I only got a few more hours left before i leave my
house. Arghhhh!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!

Sent from my iPod

TLWF church anniversary 2009

By MARKPOGI on 1:15 AM

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Today is our church anniversary, TLWF choir sang 2 beautiful songs. I was quite impressed, well it's far better than their other performances.

And after church service, the youth gathered together and head towards one of the bus that our church had hired. unfortunately, almost all the bus was fully occupied. so we had to wait for a few more minutes before the next bus will arrive to take us there. we had so much fun in East Coast Park. we joined in the games. the youth ablaze," black team" , won first prize. WHOHOO! go youth!

the first game is rather difficult to explain it by word.

the second game, 10 members hold a spoon on their mouths. and their objective is to walk straight and than turn back once he/she reached the other line. once she arrived at the starting point, she has to pass a quail egg to the next person in line. in this game we got 2nd.

3rd game was, 8 members was assigned to eat a particular food. mine was lemon. there's 2 banana, a bottle of water, lime and pulvoron. and once the last person finished eating, he/she have to blow a bowl of powedered stuff and voila you are finished. we got first here! haha! whohoo!

here is a video of me eating the lemon.

4th game was question and answer. omg this part is so SO SO FUNNY!
some questions that i heard was..

what's your father's fullname?
what's in the middle of genesis and revelation? the answer is AND! omg this is so lame! haha

there are 7 birds hanging on a many birds are left on the tree if someone were to shoot 1 bird down? well logically, if you shoot one! the rest will be shocked because of the gun shot! so the rest of the birds will disperse. so no birds will be left on the tree. hhaha!

there are so many other lame questions that they asked but i couldn't remembered anymore. haha!

so after that, we played volleyball and took a lot of pictures.

and before we all go home, we all cleaned up the place and took more pictures again. haha!

and here are some of the pictures today.

Few more weeks and bye bye sg

By MARKPOGI on 7:07 PM

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This was when i went back to philippines haha. I was camwhoring in the toilet.
Omg i remembered something funny!

There was one time when i want to use the toilet in the plane. Well you know when you lock the toilet cubicle door, at the other side of the door a thingy would say occupied.

however, when i went in to one available toilet, once i opened the door there was a women inside shitting ugh!!! She forgotten to lock the door before doing her 'business'.

And she was so embarressed. she panicked when i opened the door. she immediately got up from her toilet seats and close the door immediately. I was just shocked! How could anyone forgot to lock a public toilet. Awkward moment! Hahhaa.

post from P1i phone

Blog from my p1i sample

By MARKPOGI on 6:54 PM

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Children of the philippines

when i see you smile

By MARKPOGI on 5:37 AM

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I just want to share this song to everyone. you can hear it on my playlist here in my blog. Just click the tittle, " when i see you smile".

i love this song a lot.
this song means a lot to me.

and this is how POWERFUL a simple smile can be.

here is the lyrics of the song,

Sometimes I wonder
How I'd ever make it through,
Through this world without having you
I just wouldn't have a clue

'Cause sometimes it seems
Like this world's closing in on me,
And there's no way of breaking free
And then I see you reach for me

Sometimes I wanna give up
I wanna give in,
I wanna quit the fight
And then I see you, baby
And everything's alright,
everything's alright

When I see you smile
I can face the world, oh oh,
you know I can do anything
When I see you smile
I see a ray of light, oh oh,
I see it shining right through the rain
When I see you smile
Oh yeah, baby when I see you smile at me

Baby there's nothing in this world
that could ever do
What a touch of your hand can do
It's like nothing that I ever knew

And when the rain is falling
I don't feel it,
'cause you're here with me now
And one look at you baby
Is all I'll ever need,
you're all I'll ever need


Sometimes I wanna give up
I wanna give in,
I wanna quit the fight
And then I see you baby
And everything's alright,
everything's alright

So right...

By MARKPOGI on 9:19 PM

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I got a phone call from my good friends, they told me that their coming over to my house tomorrow and cook for me lunch! how nice is that! hahaha! thank you guys :D i really appreciate the effort haha!

today i also kept blowing my nose due to my block nose! ugh! it sucks cause it painful!

when i visited Jomar's xanga, a particular song by journey made me EMO!

also, someone got mad at me today.

I also watched bed time stories today and it was awesome.

and i also read something nice from jomar's blog and here it goes.

In life, you will realize that the people you meet have a purpose

Some were put there to test you, some would use you

Some would teach you and some would bring out the better. If not, the best in you.

Some may even cause you pain and heartache.

But one must learn to move on.

So let go of the people who can't treat you right and hold on to those who love you back and see your worth.

After all, life is not about meeting people.

It's about touching people's lives.

Funny pic

By MARKPOGI on 6:52 AM

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This is so funny! Haha haha

while i was in the hospital

By MARKPOGI on 3:10 PM

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before my dad and i visited my aunt, we bought cookies for her in a grocery store near the hospital. :D

when we arrived, we looked for her ward. visiting hours was 12-2pm & 6-8pm but we were there around 4pm. fortunately my aunt was a nurse in that hospital and most of the nurse knew who she was, so they allowed us in even though it was not during visiting hours.

while my dad was entertaining my aunt, i was roaming around the place, and wondering what's this and that. because everything there looks new to me. i asked my aunt a lot of questions since she is working here , i guess all the questions that i'm looking for will be answered haha.

i asked her, hey what does this buttons do?
how come there's a hole labeled vacuum on the wall?
hey there's more buttons below the bed! ( yes i went underneath and checked. ahaha. i was curious!)
do you see ghost around here?
do you hear strange noises at night?
what if there's a fire outbreak, do nurses care for their own safety first or their patients?
is the food good here as what i see on tv nobody likes hospital food. (she says, the food is SUPER GOOD HERE). HAHAHA!
what channels do you have on your tv? do they have cabel?
how come there's no wifi?
hey there's more button on the side of the bed.
hey there's more button on the foot of the bed.
hey there's more button on the back of the bed.
why are there a lot of buttons?
what if the person on the bed is really tall, do they provide him with a longer bed?
what if that person is really fat ? do they provide queen size hospital bed for him?
can i try the bed?(i played around with the buttons all over the bed.)
where's the toilet?
how do you switch on your lamp?
what is that stuff that doctor use when their patient loses their heartbeat? and the doctor says CLEAR! haha! can a doctor do that to a person when he is alive? what will happen to him?

and etc.

haha i asked a lot of questions there!
it was like question and answer time for me. haha!

the bed was comfortable, but the pillows were making a lot of noises when you tilt or move your head. i think it is because of the plastic casing that was used to cover the pillows for hygiene purposes. the place also have a cooling and quiet environment. she also have a really nice view on her bed.

i ate a lot of Ferraro Roche chocolates. while asking her more questions that i could think off.
than my dad told me, mark i think you are watching too many movies and TV shows. you are thinking too much! hahaha!

and i said," haha, yea i think so too, but they sound so realistic in the movies and TV shows, don't they? ".

before we were about to leave the place, we prayed for my aunt.

take care and Godbless tita(aunt).

Tita GG is in the hospital

By MARKPOGI on 10:02 AM

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I'm on the train now going to ICA. For some personal stuff than me and
my dad will visit my aunt who is in the hospital now who had an asthma
attack 3 days ago. She told us that she was to weak to speak or even
send us a text message 3 days ago,that is why she only called us
today. I hope she's going to be fine. Asthma is a really serious case
in our family line. Her sister died because of asthma. Sad but true,

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Why now? Why again this feeling?

By MARKPOGI on 12:28 AM

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Why did you come into my thoughts again? I've already moved on and
forgotten about you. Why do i still see your face when i close my
eyes? Why am i feeling this way? Why why why? I think i'm going crazy.
I hear your voice talking to me in my mind although you are not. Ugh!
No! This will not happen to me anymore. I promise you that. I already
gave you too many chances before. Maybe i was too kind to you or i was
hoping that a change might occur in you somehow. But i kept getting
hurt over and over again.So stop pestering me to even be with you
again. You blew your chances. I don't want to believe you anymore.
What you tell me are all lies! Lies! Lies! Don't ever come near me
again. I don't want to see you ever again. I hate you!

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Tag your it!

By MARKPOGI on 3:55 AM

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Ok since this tagging game in blogger have been going around, I'm going to take an advantage of the situation and tag some of you guys and you have to Blog about 5 nasty facts about yourself alright and 5 super clean facts about yourself :)

So here are my 5 nasty facts.

1) sometimes when I'm bored i tend to randomly lick my foot. Yea i
know disgusting right. Hahaha. Sometimes i don't even realize that I'm
doing it. ugh! why do i have to mention this.

2) the reason why i have a hard time hearing sometimes is because i seldom clean my ears. and if i did i happened to see a cotton-band near me. Ok that's nasty.

3) sometimes during holidays, i am too lazy to bath. There was one
time that i didn't bathed for 5 days because i stayed at home the
whole week and didn't find myself stinky or sticky. I swear i still
smell fresh during the fifth day. well you don't sweat a lot when you are at home all the time in an air-conditioned room right?

4) i love smelling my shoe. Only my shoe. But not all the time. Just
randomly. Haha. Ok that's weird and odd.

5) i burp and fart in public and feel no shame about it hahaha. My
friends would be like " mark!!! Ugh!! Not again ! Haha ".

and here are my 5 clean facts.

1) I can never eat using my hands, i find it disgusting and gross. although my parents told me to try it once in awhile, i just can't force myself to do it. once i did tried it though, the rice got stuck in my nails. ugh!

2) I can never sleep with a messy room, if i did sleep in some occasion with a messy room, the following day I'll tidy it up asap.

3) I hate it when the toilet is wet and dirty. i prefer a dry and clean one.

4) I use alcohol to wipe my floor instead of cleaning detergents. I don't know why either.

5) I only clean something that belongs to me or used by me. selfish? hhahah i don't know?

Alright that's all i could think off.

And here are The people that I'm tagging.

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By MARKPOGI on 2:54 AM

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Ugh i'm so frustrated and angry right now. I feel like destroying
everything near me. I feel like throwing stuff to release this anger.
Ugh. Sigh

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i'm not alone

By MARKPOGI on 2:57 PM

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now i found out that in my family line, i'm not the only one that is allergic to a particular food.

my cousin don is allergic to chicken.
cousin gen is allergic to beef.
cousin job is allergic to something which i forgot.
my sister is allergic to a lot of food sauce.
and i'm allergic to .wow. a long list of craps.

1) prawn
but sometimes i still eat this cause i can never resist tempura! i love tempura. allergic reaction will occur after 24 hrs later.
2) poultry
i can never eat this, as in never, cause if i did, allergic reaction will start after 5mins. i will start to itch, my face will get swollen, dry out and peel and my lips will swell like crazy. very painful.
3) flour
not too much bread, not too much rice, not too much delicious cakes :( anything with flour must not be taken too much.
4) crab
this is new, i just realized that i can't eat crab, i love crab though, i really love it, its delicious. but i can never eat crab anymore.
5) eggplant
my tongue will itch and lips will itch like crazy.
6) garlic sauce for bread. (eg. garlic bread)
not the one you use for flavoring.
7) peanut butter
8) pollen
gives me running nose and block nose. however, that's not under food though but i still want to let you guys know.
9) etc. more to find out in the near future. but i hope it won't add anymore cause i love to eat.

currently, my face is swollen like crazy, its peeling because i ate crab last Saturday.

and sorry if i haven't been updating my blog because i am too busy playing God of Wars on my psp. but wow i just finished that game in just 1 day and 1 night. altogether, just few hours.

oh yeah, this morning my friend called me on my phone if i want to have breakfast with them, than i told them, sure why not. but i was really really sleepy cause i slept real late last night, than they called me again and told me that they were already underneath my block, and i told them, hey come up here first and let me go and take a bath. you guys go up here now. and than after putting down the phone, i fall asleep again. than suddenly after few mins later, they were already in my room. and i was like. omg i forgot! hahhaa! they shouted! OI! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! GO BATH NOW! and i told them. ahh!!! i'm so sleepy! ok ok i'll bath now! told them to watch Tv first. after 30 mins later, i was done and ready to go, they told me, '' ey MARK you not handsome anymore leh! what happen to your face. so SWOLLEN. and ugly". than i told them i ate something that cause that reaction. hahaha! they my friend say haha, karma! hahha! hello! i will regain my handsome face after a week time. hahaha!

they treated me breakfast, when ordering our food, my friend say. EY! 4 ICE LEMON TEA HERE now! and i told my friend, "hey that one so old already yet you so rude to him" (sorry for the singlish way of speaking hahaha) . than my friend told me, they must know that i'm incharge of this place mah!. THAN I LAUGHED LIKE HELL! HAHAHHA! than i told her," that uncle know you meh? know your name ah?". she said," no need to know me, know my face can already" than i was like.WHAT? (-_-)'' hahahahhahaha.!!!!!!!

and than carl told us whether we want to go swimming one day, than he said that, nish must wear bikini, than we said no no no not bikini, she just have to use plaster/band-aid and cover her nipples and her hole hahahaha! and people stared at us for more than a second. (O_O)''

hahaha! and than phen phen was the float! hahhaa! don't ask why or wonder why! hahhaa! just use your imagination!

than after that, we told nish to eat pork! haha! well she can't cause she only eat Halal food hahhaa! than i told her! hey pork really good! must taste. pork very delicious hahhahha!! and she was like. bloody hell lar you ! hahhaha!

and then we went to macdonalds and played UNO and monkey-monkey and pyramid game, and ate ice cream there. we are so noisy. the uncle beside us told us to keep our volume down. but than my friend said this is not the library hahaha! omg! haha!

beside us, there was 4 sec students, they were also chatting and chatting, suddenly this guy shouted and shocked us. hahahhaha! then my friend said. ay boy no shouting in a whispery tone. and i said! hey you also shout all the time you know! hahhahahah! you are so noisy too!

when they were playing one game on my ipod touch, where you have to hit those moles and prevent them from coming out of their holes, they are so violent! i thought my ipod touch glass broke haha! it is so funny! hahhaha! and when they returned my ipod touch to me. i saw chocolate fudge and oreo's on the screen. GRRRRRRR!!!! hahaha! dirty! anyway, its alright. cause its cleanable haha!

than when nish have to do some groceries, i randomly put a lot of pork in her basket hahahhaha!!!!!!!! than i said, " must try very good!" hahahhaha! than when she returned the pork, i put the pork quietly inside the basket hahahhahahah!!!!

i laughed my ass of today. hahaha! i kept laughing and laughing and laughing! ok ok ok ! i need to go now! good bye guys! hahaha!

late night caller

By MARKPOGI on 6:32 PM

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I received a call around 4.30am from an unknown caller. than i asked who the caller was, and they were so noisy i could hardly hear them properly. They kept asking me whose number from where they are calling from belongs too. than i'm like huh? what? since the number wasn't registered in my phone, i told them that i don't know. than they kept telling me that i owe them breakfast, veggies and etc. and i'm like. huh. what?do i know you? and i'm starting to guess that this is a prank call from my friends. than i heard someone said you owe us hotdogs. than i'm like , you can just have mine. and they were like. huh? they are really really noisy. and they kept laughing,giggling and making weird sounds. then they told me that i should be there. and they said that they were half gay half lesbian and half alien? and i'm like what? what the hell is going on? raymond and miguel was also making noises beside me while i'm on the phone, thus its really hard to listen to what they are talking about. the call lasted for about 18 mins till my phone ran out of batteries. than after that i went back to sleep. raymond and miguel was still awake when i slept. but i kinda recognize who the caller was. its hadassha, porah and iwoks. tsk tsk tsk. you guys didn't even said happy new year! hahaha! you just disturbed me! hahah! tsk tsk tsk! haha!

Please don't let that be dejavu

By MARKPOGI on 9:25 PM

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this morning i had a dream about my mom telling me to stop eating too much. and i was becoming ugly because of all the fats that i had on my body. than after she told me that, i woke up.

because of that, i woke up and immediately jogged hahahaha! i jogged for an hour on our thread mill at home.

i hope that will never be De ja Vu hahahhaha!

taking care of the kids

By MARKPOGI on 8:50 PM

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last sunday, dash and i were supposed to take care of the kids while the parents attend to a church service. Instead of taking care of them, we decided to indulge ourselves on our ipod touchs, laptop and psp. To cut the long story short, some kids went home bleeding to death. ok i'm kidding. but there was this girl who went home with a bleeding chin because she fell from a table or something and hit her chin with something too. since that information came from the kids too, i'm not really sure what took place or what happened exactly. we're sorry girl.

me and dash should be more responsible. hahahha. yea! like we can ever do that. hhaha. kidding

change blog hits

By MARKPOGI on 10:24 AM

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ok, since it's a brand new year. I'm restarting my blog hits counts. so i could get the average after 10 years. HAHAHA! hopefully.

so bye bye 10502 and say hello to ZERO haha!


By MARKPOGI on 10:10 AM

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