My Trip To Malaysia

By MARKPOGI on 10:52 PM

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Obviously this happened a really long time ago, ok actually not that long ago but 2 weeks ago.

I hope I can remember all the details right! I might have already forgotten almost some part of the trip but I'm just probably going to tell you about the exciting stuff that i did there alright.

we left Singapore at about 11.30 pm and arrived in Genting Malaysia at about 5-6am? I'm not exactly sure what time we arrived..

So when we got on the bus, in every seats there was a big red blanket and a bottle of water for us to use. And so i got really bored and somehow the blanket looked like those blanket that are used for giving birth in the hospital and so i played with it haha. which looks like this haha!

It was a very long bus ride, fortunately, the seats was very comfortable. If not, i would have not be able to sleep soundly.

So when we got off the bus from genting, the place was freezing cold. everyone was taking out their jackets from their bag. we didn't expect that place to be really cold.

so right after checking in our luggage in the hotel. we took a cab to Kuala Lumpor. It cost 120 Rm = S$60 per taxi. It was a 2hrs Drive.

when we were in the taxi, since it was a downward mountain slope, i thought that the driver would drive really slow, but actually he was driving really really fast. like the movie in 'fast and the furious' . My heart beat was beating like never before. I mean, who wouldn't right? It seems as if the car might turn or flipped over with every turn he does. This is really scary. but what i noticed is that his not the only one who is doing it. apparently, everyone was driving really fast. so i'm just assuming that he is used to it and thus i'm safe. haha. afterawhile I fell asleep.

We arrived in KL, around 7.30am. we planned to visit the petronas tower bridge. Fortunately we arrive early thus we were the first batch to go up to the tower bridge on that day. However, when we arrived, the bridge wasn't opperating yet. the ticket counter was still close. so we waited for a very long time. although it was early, we weren't the only people there waiting for it to open. infact there was a lot of people queueing already before us. but were just lucky to fit in the first batch of the day. we waited for almost 2 and a half hour. so after taking a lot of pictures and absorbing the wonderful view from that high rise building, we continued to our next pitstop.

we took a cab back to genting. so another 120 RM was used. we spent almost 120 singapore dollars for cab fares in total just to be in that bridge for just 10 mins. NICE!

so when we arrived back in our hotel, i took a quick hot shower and it felt GREAT! haha. than while bathing, i realized that when you max the heater from the shower it creates hot steam which kinda warmed the room. than jumping like a kid because i had a great idea in mind, i went to my mom, mama, since it's so cold and everybody is freezing here let's just run the hot water in the toilet so our room would be filled with hot steam and thus it won't be that cold anymore. than my mom was like alright let's give it a try. we did felt warm in that room. it was soothing. it felt nice. than my dad went in our room. OMG! what's with all this steam. the SMOKE detecting thingy might think there's a fire in our room. and he was like TURN IT OFF! i was like OMG! REALLY? hahha! i don't really know whether its true about what my dad say. i thought that thing only detects smokes or particular smoke. but it's just steam right? not really smoke? so i don't know whether he was right or wrong. but i just went with his idea. haha! i don't want to risk anything bad happening in our trip haha.

so moving on, after having lunch, we went to genting theme park, we had like tons of fun in there. you will totally enjoy your time there! i tried almost every ride in that place. i had a totally wonderful time there.

so we decided to call it a day after spending our afternoon and evening inside there. we went to our hotel room and had our dinner there. my mom and dad was tired from the trip thus they fall asleep right after dinner. since I don't really sleep that early, miguel and i went down to starbucks to to have starbucks but to steal their free internet connection. haha. we were sitting right beside starbucks main entrance. it wasn't embarrassing since we weren't the only peeps doing it. than my laptop battery was drained. so we returned back to my room. we played card games and than we got really sleepy so i told him, " i guess we call it a day ".

the next day, we packed all our stuff, and got ourselves ready to check out from that hotel. but before we left that place we decided to ride the cable car since we still have some time left before we leave, we left our luaggages in the hotel lobby and than rushed to the cable car ticket booth.

and here are the pictures that we took while in it.

and than we went back to the hotel and took our stuff and waited for our bus. i slept almost through out the bus ride since i squeezed every ounce of my energy when i was in the theme park. so no energy left. haha!

so when we arrived at malaysia's checkpoint. we got out from the bus and i was like OMG the placed was super uberliciously crowded. it was very disorganised. i was very dissapointed about it. there were people pushing us from behind and since almost all the people there were chinese, i shouted back in mandarine. people who are behind us can you please stop pushing. everybody was shouting, pushing and making a lot of noises. it took us almost 30mins squeezing our way in. it was hectic. it was very hot too. pressure was also building up. there was a quarrel between an old man and a teenager somewhere infront of us. they got both of them to settle down. there wasn't any organized queue in there. the old man beside me was shouting vulgarities and i was really pissed off about it. when we got out from that place i was able to breath again. man someone could suffocate and die there.

so when we got into singapore's checkpoint. things was very smooth. well you know singapore :D . very organized and very smart. they didn't alight all the bus at one go like what malaysia's checkpoint did that cause chaos in the checkpoint. they alighted bus by bus, as soon as the first bus finished their immigration stuff, the next bus is next. very organized manner. i was really happy about it. GOOD JOB SG! haha!

so when we arrived our destination. we double checked our stuff incase we left anything behind the bus and than we all took a bus back to yishun. and than we all went home. :D that's about it :D

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