My real-life wife wouldn't be with me for more than two days if I acted the way I do on TV.

By MARKPOGI on 10:22 PM

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I’m full, really full to the degree that my tummy might disintegrate out all my digested fried rice any second now that I have eaten for dinner. I haven’t been eating properly this past few days due to the fact that I was having my down periods, emotional break down and et cetera, conversely, today, I was eating much healthier then before. Why you may ask, hmm. I think it must be the long and comfortable rest that I had yesterday.

I would like to show my gratitude to some individuals that are constantly cheering me up one way or another. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it. And for this, I will try my very best to be the jovial person that I am formerly.

Sigh, here I am again, feeling down in a bang-up job and annoyed how my brain works up things so slowly just enough to form up a sentence/topic. Hitherto, I have been staring at my computer screen for approximately 6 min and still have nothing to blog about. I should really read up a book about “idiot guide to think faster” otherwise it would be too late.

Oh Fick, I am still in a blank. Maybe I should just hit the sack. However, once I’m on my comfortable bed, I’ll just keep tossing and turning and still incapable to doze off.

I hope this information that I read in R.D (Reader’s Digest) will help me improve my sleeping lifestyle and to the other individuals who has the same problem in the same way as me.

3 Steps to A Good Night's Rest

Sleep well tonight with these important tips.

If you can only do three things, do these to get a good night's sleep, says Helene A. Emsellem, M.D., director of the Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and an associate clinical professor of neurology at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

1. Allow one hour before bedtime for a relaxing activity. Watching the news or answering e-mails does not count! Better choices are reading or listening to soft music. As for sex...well, some people say it just wakes them up and they have trouble sleeping afterward. So factor this into the timing of your bedtime routine.

2. If your mind is relaxed but your body is tense, do some low-intensity stretches and exercises to relax your muscles, especially those in your upper body, neck, and shoulders. Before you get into bed, use light weights (3 to 5 pounds for women, 5 to 10 pounds for men) to calmly exercise these muscles. Do one set of 8 to 10 repetitions of a basic exercise for each upper body muscle. We call this "auto massage."
3. Allow at least three hours between dinner and bedtime. The brain does not sleep well on a full stomach. If you know that you have a busy day planned the following day, have your big meal at lunchtime and a lighter meal as early as possible in the evening. If you find you are still hungry before bedtime, try one of the many protein-enriched power bars (without chocolate) for your bedtime snack.

Easy Ways to Catch More ZZZs

Desperate for a good night's sleep? Check out our tips and you could be sleeping better by tonight!

If you've had one or two bad nights lately, you can probably solve the problem by taking some of the measures below. These strategies may require you to change your sleeping habits, but the effort is well worth it in the long run.

1. Make your bedroom a haven for sleep. Your room should be quiet and sufficiently dark, because darkness prompts the pineal gland to produce melatonin, the hormone that regulates circadian rhythms (your 24-hour body clock). Heavy drapes can help keep the light out, and a fan or white-noise machine can help drown out any annoying sounds. Cool temperatures help you sleep, so set your thermostat appropriately. For better air circulation, open a window or use a fan. If the air in the room is too dry, buy a humidifier.

2. Become a creature of habit. A nighttime routine can be very effective in letting your body know when it's time to sleep. Go through whatever rituals help you get mentally prepared for sleep. (Read a few pages of your novel, spend 5 to 10 minutes on personal grooming, meditate, stretch.) It's also critical to go to bed and get up at the same time every day -- even on weekends.

3. Reserve your bed just for sleeping and sex. Avoid working, paying bills, reading, or watching television in bed. If you associate your bed only with sleep, you'll be more likely to fall asleep when you get under the covers for the night.

4. Tame your tummy. Going to bed either hungry or too full can disrupt your sleep. Don't have a big meal too close to bedtime or the digestion process might keep you awake. Also, if you lie down after stuffing yourself you can end up with gastric reflux -- stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. If you're hungry, have a snack rich in carbohydrates, which trigger the release of the brain chemical serotonin, associated with relaxation. Try a graham cracker or bowl of cereal. Pair it with some milk or a slice of turkey, both rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which also induces sleep.

5. Watch the caffeine. Too much caffeine throughout the day, even if it's not consumed right before bedtime, can contribute to fitful slumber. Once you hit 50, your metabolism slows, so caffeine may stay in your system longer -- up to 10 hours. Limit yourself to two cups of tea, coffee, or cola, taken at least 6 hours before bedtime. If that doesn't work, try cutting out caffeine altogether.

6. Tap the exercise answer. It's a simple fact: If you're physically tired at the end of the day, you'll sleep better. In a study from Stanford University School of Medicine, a group of 50- to 76-year-olds who had complained of sleep problems began moderate exercise for about half an hour four times a week. Compared with a similar group of people who didn't exercise, the more active group slept an average of one hour more each night, took less time to fall asleep, spent less time napping, and reported an overall improvement in sleep quality. Outdoor exercise is especially helpful. By exposing yourself to sunlight (particularly in the afternoon), you help prevent midday sleepiness and reinforce your body's circadian rhythms. Exercise at least three hours before bedtime.

7. Soak it up. Take a warm bath an hour or two before bed. Your body temperature will slowly drop after you get out of the tub, making you feel tired. Don't bathe right before bed, however, because it can briefly stimulate you enough to make it hard to fall asleep.

8. Drift off naturally. Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops. These herbs can be taken in tea and other forms. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime may be all you need to relax. If you're trying valerian, the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day. But don't combine valerian with alcohol or mood-regulating drugs. If you're using kava, try a dose of between 60 and 120 mg before bedtime.

9. Don't toss and turn. If 30 minutes go by and you haven't fallen asleep, don't lie in bed feeling frustrated. Get up and do something relaxing, like listening to soothing music or flipping through a magazine. Or make yourself a cup of warm milk.

10. Buy the right bed. A bed that's too soft can cause poor sleep postures (which can also lead to muscle stiffness and back problems). If you're leaving a divot in the mattress when you get up, it's too soft. Replace your mattress if it's more than 10 years old, and buy one that's as firm as you can tolerate but still comfortable.


By MARKPOGI on 12:11 AM

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Oh flocking crap! I just realized that my blog is relatively monotonous. It doesn't have that much of excitement that gives you-reader the thrill, enthusiasm that you need like the other blog that I search through the net. Perhaps I should start calling myself the-worst-blogger-wannabe-in-the-net or should i just quit blogging to make my life easier.

I stupidly asked myself why couldn’t God create a USB port on the side of our brain where we can happily/easily copy and paste stuff or download any information by inserting a thumb drive or USB link from the computer. Which i can just easily download a software from and transfer it into my brain, and become the world best renowned blogger within seconds.why do i ever bother.

Give me a couple of months to reflect, review,compare. And if there is still no improvement in my blogging, i would climb up the tallest building in Singapore and throw my laptop.

I'm not really that depressed, I'm just lost, really lost. I don't know why I'm doing the things that i have to do, people tell me its time i grow up and stop being a kid, but really, whats the point of living life if you're not doing what you feel/want to do? I want to go out there and just enjoy the moment, even if it means that at the end of the day i will be depress again, at least i was happy during the day right? It's exactly what I'm doing now. I just don't know why i get all down and gone at the end of the day.

By MARKPOGI on 11:44 PM

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Apparently, there were supposed to be a lot of journal entry before this date. However, I restored my laptop to a previous date for I have toggled with the system file and cause minor disruptions that cause my folder to go un-aligned with each other, my desktop toolbar has gone out of shape and whenever you point a object, you have to press it at least 5 mm away from the original position to click it. But everything is fine now

I am going to throw something in my life, something that is within me. This two particular behavior or feelings is Stubborn and laziness. I’ve been relatively lazy for the past few years that had progressively affected my punctuality of my school, doing of homework, doing of chores, helping people who are in need and et cetera. And for stubbornness, I have not been really obedience with my parent’s, I’ve stop following instructions, start doing things in my way and even follow the new trends, kind of a cliché “ Rule are meant to be broken “.

I’m half way done reading the book called “Tuesday with Morrie”. It is a book by Mitch Albom. He has sold a million of books and change the life of many others. He is also an author of many other best-selling books like “The five people you meet in heaven”. Tuesday with Morrie is a talking about a guy who has encountered and un-curable disease called ASL. It affects the nervous system and slowly prevents the other parts of the body to move. However, Morrie except the fact that he had that particular illness but he wasn’t upset about it, instead he learn to except things and learn the meaning of life and death and slowly there was a lot of people that was moved by his positive attitude. Slowly he lost the movement of his limbs and once it reaches his lungs, he won’t be able to catch his breath and have a 100% of dieing. However, he doesn’t want to die fearful of death instead he died with a positive attitude, which inspire people who have the same particular disease as him. It a wonderful book, I recommend that everyone should read this book. It’s a book that changes your life.(hahha i might be talking crap.)

Apparently, i'm suppose to find the meaning of life now. However, i'm starting to find my existence in earth useless. I couldn't find my purpose. i'm starting to hate everything that i see touch smell or anything that has got to do with my 5 senses. i'm being to emotional suddenly, moods swing come by and don't go. they stay. This is BULLSHIT!

well i got to go! i just finish that book, i'm going to read nightmares and landscape by Steven Spielberg soon.

soon after a while,

Lately, I’ve been asking myself this particular annoying question over and over again for the past few days, which has been driving me NUTS.

‘Why do people do weird stuff?’

For instance, Britney Spears shaved her head for no such reason. On the other hand, if there is, it has got to be senseless and fallacious. And this has massively affected almost everybody worldwide especially in the media criteria.

Blogging have been moderately bothersome to me recently (that’s the main reason why I don’t blog often nowadays). I’ll have to sit down uncomfortable-since my computer chair hasn’t been fix. Looking at the LCD screen for a really long period of time, thinking of a way to start a topic, editing the sentence structure just enough to make any readers entertain has been quite time consumption. Worst of all, while writing on my blog, I might let the cat out of the bag unconsciously.

You know, sometimes people love beating round the bush instead of GOING STRAIGHT TO THE POINT! This is so exasperating!

Okay, you might noticed that I have been relatively been dumping my tantrums, my hatred, my sorrows and all negative things that is around me. I’m really sorry, however, you know what, after doing that, it helps to discharge some of the strain within me which then relief my emotional burden.

Should I or should I change to a new blog server? Yes/ no?

It’s late and I need to sleep, I guess I call it a day.

Monday, February 19, 2007

By MARKPOGI on 11:43 PM

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WHOHOO! i just received the good news from my mom that my cousins have already bought their passport. which mean's that their coming to Singapore on the 18th or MARCH! WHOHOO!i'm so super duper uber luper huper excited. Well of course, we pay for their flight ticket. hahas. cause we are the one who want them here HAHA!

OKAY, yesterday,was really really weird in town. The place was extremely (exaggerated) quiet. It feels like you are in a ghost city. well who watched Silent hill, you? no ,yes? yes?well to those people who watched that movie, the place in silent hill was deserted and quiet right? and there was a lot of abandoned buildings right? well its the same as orchard road, it feels like wisma or takashimaya was an abandoned buildings, ok there were few people there but there wasn't a lot.

so after church we(the youth members) went to Cinelesiure to watch Ghost rider. In the middle of the show, while there was few chips on my hand, i heared " RING RING RING RING (handphone)". and i was trying to search for the person who didn't silent their cell phones, cause its rather annoying and irritating to have disturbance during the movie. well, i wasn't seeing anyone answering their phone, and then it began to auto-answer,(old frail aunty voice) HELLO!!! HELLO! YO REN zhai ma? ni she swai?.... me and faye, who was sitting right beside me was laughing,cause the voice its so SHARP hahas! its so weird HAHAS! and then the ambiance was silent and then you can hear "NI SHE SWAI" HAHAS .. and then we realised that the person right beside me was the culprit HAHA! it was in his pocket that the aunty was BLABBERING shit! hahas! he didn't know that his hp auto-answered! hahas!

Ok, while in the mall, All the shops are close. and we were relatively bored. So we Camwhore all the way from paragon then to lucky plaza then to plaza singapura. hahas!

anyway ate deb is coming to my house now, cause we are going to dance, hahas! i'm so TIRED! cause i slept around 6am just to watch princess hours hahas! anyway i'm not done cleaning the house yet so .. talk to you people next time.. tululolo~! hahas

mark signing off!

After the movie

Saturday, February 10, 2007

By MARKPOGI on 11:43 PM

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What I’m going to talk about today is friendship. Based on my personal experienced, 60% of your friends are the friends who stick with you during school and hang out with you for the sake of having an accompany are also known as short-term friendship. The other 30 % are the one who go through thick and thin with you, your roller coaster period and your emotional break down and they also do what short-term friend’s does. However, the best thing about this other 30% is that they will remember you for the long period of time and would want to keep in contact with you always though you are in a very far place are called long term memory friendship. The other 10% are your best buddies and your true friends. They're the one which you trust the most, the one you share secrets with, the one that you go to when you are in need, and they're the one who will help you the most in times of need, the one who will remember you always, the one which thinks of you every time, the one that concern about you, the one that want to be friends with you for a very long period of time the one that would always do anything to cherish the friendship bond.

What type of friend are you? Which position do you want to be in a person life? Do you want to be the short-term friendship friend, long term friendship friend or the special someone in the person life? If I was question with this question, I’ll say that I want to be in the category of the 10%.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

By MARKPOGI on 11:41 PM

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fine, i do admit that i haven't been blogging daily or as often as possible. So viewers i hope you accept my apologies OKAY.( and you better)
recently i have been hearing a lot kyla's(Filipino singer) songs in my Ipod. And have been quite addicted to one of her songs called " beautiful days". P,G,D introduce me this song. but when i was in Philippines, this song was played a couple of time on the radio. so whenever i replay this particular song, it gives me flash backs when i was in Philippines.
when i reach school, i thought i was miserable late for my class. However, i wasn't, which was good.cause if i were ever late for any class, they will accumulate all the late time i have and if, for example the accumulated time for me was 60 mins, then i'll have to do 60 mins of community service or clean up the school for 60 mins.Which no one would want to do, well unless your dream is to be a cleaner, which i don't think any people would want to make their dream goal as a cleaner hahas.
During English class we did a short skit, to be exact, it was a impromptu skit. we were just given 5 mins the most to think about what to act out and narrate. well our skit suck cause i was the Peeping tom. and i have to peep on pee pee who was a GIRL.and take a note of this, the actor was a GUY which was VERY ODD AND VERY WRONG. so here's the story goes. gary (me) was strolling around the park and then (fast forward >>>) he saw pee pee bathing (which was a guy ,cause my group was all guys) and then gary's sexual hormones reacted( ok don't ask me how i acted this cause its kinda NASTY HAHAS) and the fastforward. DONE. ok the story doesn't make any sense. but what can i say. it was impromptu . there was lack of planning and coordination so of course the result will be messy.
i was late for dance class cause i was held up by my chemistry test today. this week hip hop dance was kinda aggressive and fast, i made a few mistakes but thank you pamela to go through some of my hiccups parts with me. i really appreciated that.
then after hip hop class. it was my voice lesson time. gosh the first day of voice lesson sucks. there was a special instructor who will be teaching us today. she look so old,frail and her back look like the guy from cartoon at disney channel called hunch back of Nostradamus.and sorry for being judgemental, but her teaching method are really old fashion and boring. i almost fall asleep during class. Well her class was freaking boring. what we did was EYE contact and " CHANGE PLACES" and then we did group work and SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY(X_X) like WHAT THE HELL! we came here not to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and i think that happy birthday is stuck in my mind now! ARGH!!!!(X_X). one hour of my PRECIOUS time was wasted on the pathetic stuff that she was teaching us which i can use it to do my homework.i hope that the following week she won't be coming back. wait i hope she won't be comiong back FOREVER! LITERALLY!
so after voice lesson, all of us went to city hall and some of us have to split up cause some are going back home and some are going to have dinner. Pam and i went back together since we are using the red line. gosh city hall was FREAKING CROWDED WITH people who is going back from their work. and i have to squeeze my FACE on the glass wall of the opening door of the mrt. cause the train was packed with a lot of people!
so that was what happened to me today.