my blog's not dead

By MARKPOGI on 10:41 PM

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hey people, i just want to let you all know that my blog isn't dead.

unfortunately, my hand is.
because, i've been writing and writing and writing countless of notes and essays for school. so i'm pretty dead by the time i finished all of it.

well i'm not going to talk about today, i'm just going to update you guys what's happening to me lately.

well school is preety preety tiring.
during class breaks, instead of hanging out with my friends, i rather spend that precious time studying in the library.

a week ago, i subscribed to cable TV. so that, whenever i feel bored, i'll just watch TV. youtube is preety useless here, cause the internet connection is really slow. i'll have to wait for it to buffer before i could even watch it.

yesterday my friends came over to my place and hanged out. watched cable and played cards and some of them used the internet.

i couldn't understand the weather here. one day it will be really cold, then the next day, it'll be really really hot. man, i hope the weather is cold all the way till decemeber :D. i wish.

i wished that i have air-con here in my place. but i haven't bought one yet. don't have the money yet. oh well.

on the 23 of june, there won't be any water available for 2 days in my location. it's not because i didn't pay my bills. it is because, they are upgrading the water tank in my area. so no pain no gain. or should i say, no stink no gain? ugh! i guess i'm going to stink for 2 days? or i'll have no choice but to use my mineral water to bath.

later i'll be waking up around 4am. cause my class starts at 7am.

1 week ago, i don't know what i saw up in the air, but i'm preety sure that it's not something from this world. at first, i thought my eyes were playing tricks, but my cousin who was beside me at that time, saw it too. i saw 1 circular thingy zoom/flashed/lightspeed away from earth leaving a straight blue light trail. really really cool. i know some of you might think i'm going mad, but the experience that i had was awesome. hahaha! its up to you to believe it or not. sounds like ripleys hahhaa!

anyway, i really should get some sleep now, or else it will be preety dificult for me to wake up later.

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