Just Woke up A while ago. around 5.30 pm ... that's me going down the ladder.
WAS VERY HUNGRY, but there wasn't any food around, so i ate some super rings. their really cheesyly delicious :D haha
while using the computer, i noticed kermit the frog getting electrocuted because of all the wiring, thus, my kermit the cooked frog. gosh lame man! haha
Finally my breakfast arrived haha! erm? breakfast at 7:46pm? WHUT ??? hahaha!
well my body clock is reverse so everything is reverse to me too haha!going to eat now :D
I decided to give my blog a new look. Since I'm kinda getting bored with the previous look.
I'm leaving Singapore this Monday 25th of May.
I'm going to miss my friends here, I Don't know whether they'll miss me though.
Look at the time. 8.03am, DANG! I should be sleeping right now.
Here's a pic of my breakfast just now :D
haha! cute isn't it.
too bad...
i already ate it!
WHOHOO! MUMMY AND DADDY TOLD ME THAT BY THIS SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER or DECEMBER THEY'LL BUY ME A BRAND NEW CAR :D i really can't wait for that day to happen. This will be the Best Birthday Gift EVER! haha! :D
and after much consideration, i have decided to go with the new toyota avanza 2009 edition over the new honda city 2009 edition :D
I don't even know who's reading my blog now, cause i haven't been blogging for a really long time. Oh well...
Who's reading my blog comment and say "I" :D
Anyway, Happy belated mother's day to all mothers.
And happy Birthday to my mom.
and here are the pictures when we celebrated her birthday.
it was simple and sweet.
actually, we were suppose to go to my grandfather's condo to swim and celebrate my mom's birthday. but it kept raining and raining. so we decided to just celebrate it at home.