By MARKPOGI on 12:49 AM

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I’ll be going back to the Philippines at the end of this week(Sunday) and What really prevents me from logging in to my Friendster acc, chatting with my friends in Msn or Yahoo? Messenger and creating my vblogs in youtube is the Internet café in the Philippines. You might say, “ But mark, you have a laptop, why don’t you just use your laptop where wireless connection is available?”

That’s the problem. Wireless connections in Philippines aren’t free and are limited and are only available in well-known shopping centers. Which is a disadvantage to me because the nearby shopping center near my house isn’t well known.

Well, yes, that can be possible if you are residing in Singapore, because almost everywhere/anywhere in Singapore, wireless connection are available. And the good thing is, ITS FREE! AND come on everybody goes bonkers with FREE STUFF RIGHT ?… However, Philippines is not the type of country where everything is advance like Singapore. They’re still LOW-TECH. Well that is as far as I know though.

Ok so I may have elaborated on the irrelevant points, so what about the Internet café there?

It’s unbelievably dirty; rats can breed and live there, LITERALLY. It’s Super duper uber Hot. Well, since I’m obviously hot too(haha), that makes it extremely mega BURNING HOT! Hhahahas..ok ok lame me… but I’m telling you the truth. It’s really dirty there. Ok from what I experience. When I went inside the shop, I still could remember how my nails were sparkling clean- like perfect cuts diamonds. Then, as soon as I left the Internet café. I swear that all my nails turn BLACK in color! You know, how emo guys paint their nails black. Well mine was naturally colored using DIRT.(I know ! dirty right?) And I don’t know why and how it got there. it must be the keyboard I’m using in the internet café. And plus its super hot I’m sweating and scratching every parts of my body. And worst of all, the Internet connection is super super super slow!!!!!!!!

So let’s just hope that I’ll apply Cable DSL in my house ASAP. Hopefully no one would steal the wires hahahas…. well if you’re from Singapore, you might not understand what I just said. Hmmm.. ok there are few cases that Houses in the Philippines had their wires right above outside their house.. You know, hanging wires… unlike Singapore, all the wires are below ground. So sometimes. Weird and poor people cut those wires and use it for their own personal use… rude peeps huh.. totally!!!

Anyway, since I’ll be leaving soon and haven’t been blogging for a lot of months, I’ll take the liberty to right a lot of stuff here in my blog. Well these past few weeks, I have been extremely busy with hanging out with my friends, almost forgetting that I will be having my entrance exam in the Philippines soon

Oh yeah I’ve got to read more books now. If the language English is a part of my body, it’s dead, and I’ll have to amputate it. That is because my blood isn’t circulating there anymore. I hope you understand this analogy.

Sigh I’m really disappointed with myself; I can’t believe that I lost all the rhymes and rhythm for writing a funny and perfect post. I find my post dim, blur, monotonous and grammatically incorrect. I might be exaggerating, but that’s how I feel about how I write stuff. Which is, not exciting at all, not worth reading at all. I need to watch more movies to expand my vocabulary and improve my English. I just can’t find the right ingredients to make my blog PERFECT again. I seem to lack it, lost it or whatever. And I must find it/ obtain it ASAP.

Although, I don’t know what types of challenges I could encounter next year during my college/university years, all I could say is that I’m looking forward to it. To be exact, I’m very excited about it.

Originally I’m going to be taking my exams in De La Salle University in the 18th of November. However, since my flight changed, I have to take my exam on jan 18. which is really really TAGAL pa hhaas.

Its 16 of November now, and I have 2 more days to go before I leave. Mummy just told me a lot of stuff to be aware of like not carrying a lot of money in my wallet, not placing my bag at the back or it will have a higher percentage of that be snatch away, always go out with someone, never be alone in a lonely street, never look straight at passer-by face, and you know a lot of stuff. It can really be very irritating cause she told me A LOT of stuff, but its for my own good. Well you know the wise saying “ MOM KNOWS BEST”.

Ok guys; please pray for me that all my documents will go smoothly with the school that I will be applying. I hope that no complication will occur with my documents and that I will be admitted in the school with open arms.

Hmm, I never spent Christmas with my family last year. So I really hope that I could spend my Christmas with my family this year. After the entire entry exam and all the admission stuff.

Oh yeah , and those who are going to send me off, and those who greeted me goodbye, thanks a lot! I really appreciated it.

please continue to pray for me. for safety, for anything that you can think of.


By MARKPOGI on 2:52 PM

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I don't know when i will blog again after this post. Maybe,i'll blog when i'm ready to blog. get it? or or maybe,when there is something interesting going in my life.

This year, all i could say is that i feel very lazy and ignorant.fullstop.

i don't know what the purpose of my blog today.

but what i must do now is...

Pack my stuff. I'm moving

Read 50 books during the 4 months of FREEDAY (holiday)

and sleep. hey!! i can wish to be taller right!

paint my house.

decorate my room.

and visit people that i desperately missed .

and etc. good bye and as for now i'm DEAD