A weird tday,isit?

By MARKPOGI on 6:14 PM

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H*LYCRAP, i woke up early this morning with just two hours of sleep and this is what i get " EYE BAGS ". I have got to stick to my routine of having 7 hours of sleep or else i'll end up looking like a plastic bag. ugh? yea,watever, you'll get the point.
Jeezzz! after taking my shower,looking at the mirror, i noticed that i have gain quite a lot of weight around my tummy area.WHHAAAttt is happening to me..i don't want to be a FATASS!!!!.ARGHH!! ( in a dratistic tone ) ok enough of that drama.Oh! i got an idea. i'll just use my mom's osim "I.something".the ones that shake a lot.I heard that just by using 10 mins of that osim stuff everyday,it will lose you around 500 grams? Well,that's hell-of-a-crap.and let me change their statement to this:Just 10 mins a day and voila! u lose 1gram!!! hahas GET IT! 1 gram. ok ok. i know that's kinda lame. well we need to laugh once in a while right? i can't belive my parent's bought that piece of junk! waste of money! throw it to the rubbish bin "LAR" HAHAS! Overall,this means that i have to start working out. and BURN ALL MY FATS AWAY! go on a strict diet,maybe( if i can stand it).cause my hand has a mind of its own. HAHAS! IT controls my brain. ok just imagine this scene..ok its kinda dumb. but just tolerate it ok?: i'm in a kitchen, there's a rice cooker infront of me, my hand scoup up 1 serving of rice, and then it started to scoup up more AND MORE! and then when i said NO put that back. so i put back some of the rice.then suddenly, my hand begin to move by itself and kept scouping up more rice . and i kept shouting NooooO (long echoing voice), and the hand gave me a thumbs up,then a thumbs down! hate it when it does that ! (X_X).so eventually, i lost, and have to eat up all of the rice that my EVIL hand scouped up. ugh! ok. pfft. this doesn't make any sense to you right? well then just click the X button above.or press alt 4! and don't EVER come back.
umm,i think i need to go to a psychologist.Or have my brain check. or watever. i'm having brain issues here.i'm just being so darn stupid,dumb,weird and all weirdo's stuff u can ever think of.
Oh man, i have to brushen up my english skills ASAP! i just couldn't belive that my teacher gave me a really bad respond on my english skills after i taken my marked english test paper.She told me" oh dear, you have to start reading thousands of books starting from today, or you will never pass english". And this is what i told her" your momma, is so OLD that she breast feed "POWEDERED" HAHAS! nah just kidding...hahas i just took the paper and walk away.
Shocks! look at that time,ok i got to go now.ugh! but i didn't get the chance to tell you all the stuff that happened to me today.but i'll tell you more next time. I promise i'll come back cured ! blex.

3rd day of dan's kern regime: NEWSFLASH: there has been more mini pimple popping out, new breakouts and oilyskin. hmm? is the Dan's kern regime working? i'll let you know!

sign out MARKPOGI

Things to be done:
3.SLEEP EARLY AND DON'T SNORE! ugh.? wait i don't think i snore. or do i? HAHAs nope definetly no.

i'll just stick with 3 cause its really hard just to do one! HAHAS!